Yes, you're right, that's the issue.
If you have a callback function like image.onload and want Construct to know when it happens, you can call a Construct function (Function plugin) right from javascript. Read here: («Javascript integration»)
What is facebook Simple hosting?
"Minify scripts" option when exporting from Construct doesn't minify user scripts. So the problem must be somewhere else. Have you tried to upload it somewhere else to see if the problem persists?
Can you show me the code of the function that you're talking about? The one that returns 0?
I'm not quite sure I get what you mean by "use with". Babylon.js is a framework, right? My plugin helps you include js-files in your game, call js-functions and accsess js-objects from these files. If babylon.js has functions and objects you're gonna access, then yes.
Again. Init ["Alias"] with javascript "foo" means that the plugin will remember that wherever you're putting "Alias" when dealing with aliases, it actually means javascript object/variable/array foo. For example "Alias.left" means foo.left. "Alias[bar]" means foo[bar].
Instead of
Init ["RectA"] with javascript ""
Init ["RectB"] with javascript ""
Set ["RectA"] to 666
You should do
Init ["RectA"] with javascript "RectA"
Init ["RectB"] with javascript "RectB"
Ok, now I got this. This is not a bug. You're just using Aliases wrong.
You initialized alias "RectA" with javascript "" (empty string). It means that alias "RectA" refers to nothing. The alias name is just a string. There's no way for the plugin to know that you meant javascript object named "RectA".
So when you're later setting "RectA.left", you're actually setting "".left, which is just the global variable named "left". You also initialized alias "RectB" with an empty string. That's why RectB.left also means global variable named "left". Same variable. Actual javascript objects RectA, RectB and their properties stay unaltered.
Can't reproduce the bug. Can you send me the sample project file with the bug?
On Addon's promo page:
Fixed the .c2addon file. Previously it wouldn't install the plugin when dragging and dropping the file in to the Construct 2 window.
Member since 7 Aug, 2016