You can pick your instance by uid or use a for each loop on your rotators and pick the items nearest to the rotator to pin.
270 degrees on what?
You can regenerate obstacle map and wait 0.1s before making your skull to find a path.
Your asteroids need to have solid behaviour by the way.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
If you set scale inner or letterbox scale on your project fullscreen in browser property objects will be scaled corresponding to the page size.
Distance and angle between what?l
You can use system expression angle(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,sprite2.x,sprite2.y) and dist(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,sprite2.x,sprite2.y)
this is what i understand, tell me if i'm wrong:
Blocks are falling on the center, when you press an arrow block goes on the coresponding side.
But when do you decide if player wins or not?
j0hnbane I answered on your other topic
I think you will need to set up a server and make a push system but not sure Construct2 forum is the right place to talk about this.
Need further explanations :
How do you want to decide if an item has to be on left or right?
How do you want to move something on left or right ? If you press left arrow it goes to the left?
It seems that index of only works if your ID is on the first Column.
I changed your example
Do you have a sample capx so I can check what happens?
Remove the quotes in that case, quotes are only needed if it's a characters chain.
Member since 20 Aug, 2012