Instead of "Set angle towards position" use "Set angle" action.
Angle: angle(thumbpad2.x, thumbpad2.y, leash2.x, leash.y)
Try Array.At(1, Array.CurY)
I prefer to use System loops when working with arrays:
System For "y" from 1 to (Array.Height-1)
Text append Array.At(1,loopindex)
In the future use instance variables.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
How did you make rebindable controls for keyboard? Why can't you do the same for gamepad?
You can't store loopindex or any expressions in JSON. Here's what I would do:
JSON: {"line": "Hello to you in this example [offsetY=%] wavy text [/offsetY]."} Action: Text Set text to replace(JSON.get("line"), "%", str(sin(time * 300 + loopindex * 90) * 8))
Construct still needs to load a lot of stuff before it can show your loading layout.
You can add (or replace) images in Icons folder in your project, which will be used as a loading logo or app splash screen - click the file and change its purpose on the left properties panel.
Put it in quotes. And you value track is called "Value Track 1"
TimelineController.Value("derptimeline", "Value Track 1")
Or just spend 20 minutes reading about C3 arrays. Copy all values from global variables into the array. Sort it. Display on the screen, or copy back to global variables.
Are you saying that BBcode tags don't work when you store them in JSON? Can you show your code and JSON contents?
You don't want to use instance variables and you don't want to use arrays. I don't have other suggestions for you..
I suggest using instance variables. See this example.
Or copy all results to an array and sort it. Array -> Sort action
4.7GB used by images is quite a lot! Definitely something that needs to be optimized.
Member since 26 May, 2016