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  • I don't know. There's not enough here to go on. Can you post the plugin? One of my data-only plugins is here:

    Edit: I think you do need 'object'

    Edit: you can call Create, to create new instances of 'object'

  • What does your GetPluginSettings section from the edittime.js look like. Sounds like a mismatch.

  • I have several plugins that do this:

    	// only called if a layout object - draw to a canvas 2D context
    	instanceProto.draw = function(ctx)
    	// only called if a layout object in WebGL mode - draw to the WebGL context
    	// 'glw' is not a WebGL context, it's a wrapper - you can find its methods in GLWrap.js in the install
    	// directory or just copy what other plugins do.
    	instanceProto.drawGL = function (glw)
  • Create two local variables, localX, localY

    Pick (sprite) where variable = 1



    -Pick all (sprite)

    --Pick (sprite) where variable = 0

    ---Pick (sprite) nearest to (localX,localY) --- Destroy

  • Array.Delete

  • Actually as I started writing, I came up with more questions, since I don't know your details.

    If each behaviour is in a Family and sets it's own specific variables, why aren't those variables on the family? Then there should be no need to index them.

    If that doesn't work, then getting back the the array idea, if you just have the single base object, then you can create a 5x2 array and use a container to connect the array to each instance. If there is more than one base object (grouped by families again) then you'd have to create the array object, store it's UID, and pick that array, by UID, when needed. This is obviously the most cumbersome mechanism.

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  • Have you used arrays before? I just want to know how much detail to provide.

  • You can't "build' variable names. You can use an Array or Dictionary to do what you want.

  • You'd have to keep track of which meteor was jumped to last and then play the sound if the value changes. For example, store the UID in a global (LastUID):

    if( meteor.UID <> LastUID)

    -> set LastUID = meteor.UID

    ->Play sound

  • int(random(0,8))*10

    You were multiplying by 10 twice. This will give 0 to 70, with possible duplicates.

  • Similar idea here:

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