blackhornet's Recent Forum Activity

  • I should have a 'drawing' compatible converter very soon. Just testing now.

  • Having issues again. I've been using "Add Dev Addon" for for a while, but in my attempts to work on drawing-addons, I hit a caching issue, so decided to clear the cache so I could refresh the runtime. As soon as I did that, I lost the ability to use developer mode. "Add Dev Addon" always fails now: "Unable to load the addon JSON..." I am using exactly the same address as before. I've cleared repeatedly. Rebooted. Nothing I do works now.


    Error loading addon JSON: TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

    at d.!vcY (main.js:73)

    at <anonymous>

    !G.!EA.then.then.catch main.js:154

    Promise rejected (async)

    o.!Dy.then main.js:154

    Promise resolved (async)

    !ssA main.js:154

    !ssk.onclick main.js:154

  • Timer is a behaviour. It's there.

  • The problem is that by the time the wait ends, the function has already returned and the Params are gone. Use a Timer instead - you have complete control.

  • Note: link-text needs to be added to ... guage-file

  • I can't figure out the color format:

    new SDK.PluginProperty("color", "background-color", {initialValue:[1,0,1]}),

    new SDK.PluginProperty("color", "background-color", {initialValue:"[1,0,1]"}),

  • Ashley, can you provide some help on migrating ept_link and ept_color from C2 to C3 format.

    I'm guessing color can be handled by a link now, but it's not clear how to migrate links.

    Some of the samples I've seen are:

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Image", lang("project\\misc\\tiledbg-edit-link"), "Click to edit the object's image.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Sprite font", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's spritefont.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Image", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's image.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Animations", lang("project\\misc\\sprite-edit-link"), "Click to edit the object's animations.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Size", lang("project\\misc\\sprite-make11-link"), "Click to set the object to the same size as its image.", "worldundo"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Sprite font", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's spritefont.", "firstonly"),


  • Official plugins are native - they aren't actually plugins anymore. I was the one who asked a while back.

  • You can use safe-mode:

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  • lucid

    I'm working on it. Started yesterday, as a matter of fact.

  • None of the basic actions are offered: Angle, Appearance, Size/Position, Z-order. These were based on the C2-flags, if I recall.

    Also need access to set the HotSpot, for offering HotSpot properties.

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Member since 28 May, 2012

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