blackhornet's Recent Forum Activity

  • Do New and type flap in the search box to find the 'Flapping bird' template.

  • Can you post a sample? I've tried this, as I understand it, and it works as expected.

  • Ashley

    I'm still working on my lobby/new-room scenario/tutorial and have discovered an issue. If I Send a message (in Reliable mode) that triggers the room-switching to occur, and immediately follow it with a 'Leave room' action, this will trigger an error in the host console log:

    Too many errors (10) sending data on 'u' to 'BHT', kicking; last error was for sending 7-char string:

    DOMException {message: "Failed to execute 'send' on 'RTCDataChannel': Could not send data", name: "NetworkError", code: 19, stack: "Error: Failed to execute 'send' on 'RTCDataChannel…43:8)↵ at http://localhost:50003/c2mp.js:148:9", INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 1…}


    If I add a slight delay after the Send and before the Leave, then everything is fine. I'm guessing this is related to the 'reliable' mechanism needing to confirm the communications, which is an asynchronous task, but since the room is left before the Send has finished, the error is reported.

    My question then; is there a way to detect when any pending sends have completed such that I can then call the Leave action to cleanly perform this task?



  • You just set the 'Initial visibility' property to Invisible.

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  • Yes, then wait for 'All preloads complete' with a 'Trigger once' to toggle a variable that flags that the sounds can be played (if that is relevant).

  • 'choose' would also work.

  • No. You are trying to preload a sound called "explosion1explosion2explosion3explosion4".

    Just load each individually.

    To play: Play by name: "explosion"&int(random(1,5))

  • Use Pick by comparison, then PickedCount.

  • That's the way families work. 'Create/Spawn', on a family, is random. You have to create the specific instance instead.

  • The problem is you have a white background and can't see the relative movement. Put any tiled background in behind and you'll see that it is working.

  • Because you can't see that it is scrolling. If the background had been there, you would have seen what was going on immediately.

  • It's because you have ScrollTo but no background as reference (and your platform/floor is on the HUD layer). Place a tiled background in behind and you'll see what's going on.

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