That will be you. You are playing the file more than once. Make sure your events are set up to only play it the once.
a) you need 'Scroll to' on the player
b) you need to set the layout size, which appears to be 5539x1443
Event 42 is your problem. On pathfinding failed, you are immediately calling Find path, which calls Failed... Remove the Find path, and the Every 1 second will try again anyway.
It's easier to debug in a browser, than Nodewebkit.
That sets the Score, but you still need to display it also.
System:Compare two values -> Sprite.Count = 0 -> action
Any new install will report NaN if nothing was stored initially. Are you checking if the key exists before reading it?
Put the Timer behaviour on a global object, and it will span layouts.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I told you in the first line!
Right-click:Z Order:Send to bottom of layer
You should be using Layers, with a Background layer also.
Yes, that's fine.
You are still Creating Blue at red.x/y. Needs to be Family1.x/y
Try "On touched object" instead.
Member since 28 May, 2012