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  • The whole point of For each is to pick only one object at a time - how would all be affected?

    Edit: only those items that have timed-out at the same time will be picked when entering "On timer". From there, For each will cycle just them.

  • Manual:

    [quote:q180nccu]On timer

    Triggers either regularly, or once off, after a timer that was started with the same tag has reached its duration. NOTE: this trigger can fire with multiple instances picked, if their timers all reach their time in the same tick. This can sometimes work unexpectedly if the actions expect there to be just one instance picked. The workaround is to add a For each condition after this trigger to ensure the actions run once per instance.

  • Also, similar issue with the timer. Since more than one can timeout at the same time, you need to cycle through them.

  • Here's a super simple example. Use a separate project to have all of your tile maps laid out and get the JSON text from the TextBox. You can then load these strings in your real game on demand.

  • Looks like you linked the wrong file. Chances are you have multiple hits at the same time, so you aren't trimming that down to only a single one. Try a "Pick instance 0" in event 4, or as a sub-event.

  • This is where Groups come in handy. Put your input events in a group, and then enable/disable the group to control all of those events at once.

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  • It depends on what your level-unlocked code looks like, but if it needs to be at least 1, then this should be fine.

  • In that case, use a dictionary for the other items. That way you have one array and one dictionary. Much better than coordinating 12+ variables.

  • Yes, that is where the data is changing, so that is where you could save, just like "Level_key", it is no different. An optimization could be to use Array(0) as your level-key and only deal with saving the array, instead of breaking into two items. Since I assume your levels start at 1, you have an empty slot sitting there anyway.

  • If you call "Exists", you don't need to call "Get" in "On exists", it's already there at that point, so just "Load" is fine.

    Doing a set in a For loop is a bad idea. You only need to save at the end of the loop. Having said that, your For loop doesn't change the array, so there is no reason to save at all. In "on touch", you call Set twice.

    LocalStorage is an expensive operation. You want to call Set as little as possible, and only when necessary. If you've queued up dozens of saves and switch layouts, it's possible, that not all of the data is saved, as it's still trying to catch up in the background.

  • Yes. I'm not sure why you are using Global objects anyway. You are placing the spr_HUD object on each layout, so it's pointless making it Global. spr_lenovo_icon also gets confused. Making it non-global fixes that glitch too.

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