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  • Thanks. Construct 2 is making my dream of making this game come true.

    It makes it so that an artist with basic to intermediate programming knowledge able to do amazing things without relying on anyone else. >.<

    But thanks again!

  • Recreating worked. i am sure it was something obvious that i will never know. Big thanks kittiewan!

  • Thanks. I will keep trying.   I am using paralax.

    Right now I am not distributing my capx because of the years of custom graphics involved. Thanks for your help.

    I will try to recreate the particles.

  • I have 8 layers and a vent that shoots out particles.

    I have messed with putting it on all different layers and messed with the z order and "Move to Bottom" as well.

    Is it just not supported? Do particles always have to overlap other things. It just looks weird when the boss runs in front of the vent and the particles are over him.

    Thanks for any ideas.

  • OK,

    Here is a demo flash movie of the gameplay so you can get an idea:

    I am making a side scrolling game that uses hand draw backgrounds (drawn by me) with invisible boxes for the floor that have physics applied. There smooth sloping inclines. The invisible boxes are set to immovable. The floor does not vary that much in angle and the angles are slight.

    I have a beetle type enemy that I need to 'slide' (walk back and forth) across the floor but not roll or cartwheel. There are no other objects with physics in the games besides the beetle and the floor. So far everything is working good and the beetle walks great and rotates with the scenery as he walks but every once in a while he "trips" and cartwheels rotating too far (This happens far more often in Firefox for some reason). This would be easily remedied if I could limit the rotation of an obj using physics. I have looked into ragdoll a lot an cant get that to help.

    The beetle using the following behaviors:

    Custom Movement

    Platform (ignores default controls)



    This works best I have found... but does not account for the tripping

    The only reason I didnt want to share my CAPX is because I have images that took months to draw in there that I am being stash with at this point.

    Any ideas?

    There are screenshots of my game on (Luna)


  • I would love to see a spline system for maps for creating hand drawn side scrollers with curvy landscapes. The splines would be set to immovable objects for smooth character movement... Currently I am overlapping Boxes to get a similar effect. That would help me soooo much. Construct Rocks!

    Another option that would be cool is in the animation window.. to give an option to apply current bounding box to all animations... so it is not so hard trying to match them at the bottom where collision is needed. Not just the current animation but all other animations associated with an object. So just add one more option to apply to all animation sequences.

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Member since 7 Apr, 2012

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