I love the idea but I did vote no, because I think it could be more productive to try it a little different. Maybe spread it out over two concepts. First set up a video chat for licensed users and one for unlicensed users. Set the time to 30-60 minutes. During which you could get to know your licensed users and what types of games they make the most. This could help steer the direction for future updates. The unlicensed video chat could be a great way to learn why the users are unlicensed. Is C2 missing something and that's why a majority aren't users? That could be a great concept to add in the near future. Is it price prohibitive? Maybe some sort of reseller program which offers a paid license after x number of resells. You get the idea for part 1. My suggestion for part two incorporates the education part.
Find a local high school near your headquarters and offer them a free school license with once a week class time with someone from your office. In return get the ok to video the group as the complete the class final. This would give you knowledge of how user friendly the software is for schools, give you video footage to compile into a marketing video for other schools, not to mention introducing the program to young people which in itself can pay off in potential future sales. :)
So again, love the idea but I would expand it. That's why I voted no.