Thanks very much for your time
I see what you mean that we need to think differently and not on the c2 world thanks for the advice however every construct user is goona end up thinking in the same way, for this reason, could I recommend a few things? but obviously, if you think it's wrong you can ignore it, this is just my observation based on my very sort experience testing the scripting.
If could recommend some "Scirra made" Very short Tutorials but targeted to C2 users that been using the engine for a while so you could correct them in how they not suppose to think as you did with me and this you could do it by adding a few quick very short temples or Tutorials to teach that they not suppose to do it that way:
This will be my recommendation for Short Tutorials or Demos:
1-How to pick an object by "Comparation" iterating through all the instances and pick the ones that match the condition
2-Pick by UID or like you said the equivalent in JS to pick directly without iterating through all the instances and best practice to follow to get the best performance.
3-Advance Picking: Pick an object which has stored on his Instance Variable some UIDs or as you explained the JS equivalent that Picks other objects directly as the UID does.
Because now we know how to do basic Picking we can start manipulating their Behaviours
1-How to manipulate the behaviours of the picked objects
1-How to manipulate (Global, Local, Instance Variables, Booleans) etc...
I think for starting this will be really good for people like me that they just wanted to quickly test the scripting and see how is working. Even these some random details are gonna be helpful because you can combine them with events whenever gets stuck, the point is to get started and then you can learn and improve as you go.
This is the equivalent as when you start with construct that they show you in a tutorial for beginners to create a square object add the Platform behaviour and keyboard and you can start jumping and get excited already, so that gives you the motivation to learn more and put more effort instead of starting from the boring part of learning the whole Javascript syntax because you may get bored quickly but if you start already interacting with construct and the objects like make them move, Jump, etc.... it's more exciting and then the boring part it becomes less boring at least for me. So basically something that gets you started right away then you do after the whole JS study bit by bit.
But this is just my view and it may be different for other people, so if you think its wrong or is not worth it you can just ignore it, it's all good.
Lastly, I would like to add that the more you teach your user base how to use your engine and get best performance best practices and stuff, the more Good Games we will make.
Thank you for your time.