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  • R0J0hound

    Thanks for the elaborate answer. In the end it did not turn out that difficult, just a matter, like it is explained in this thread, of picking two nth instance and comparing them if they collided.

    Regarding ironing things out I take from what you have written that you are one of the developers of C2? Or am i mistaken?

    Look into this thread if you are having problems of this kind, there is a capx you can download and study a page or few pages back.

  • As I was searching the forums for a solution I found this thread, and I was wondering if this lack of a simple solution regarding families colliding with families happens only in Construct 2 or in other programs too as it is sort of a programming quirk?

  • Yep that would be great. Im all for it too.

  • I was thinking of something different than using layout code to disable an effect, sort of an icon which allows this.

  • 1. Crouch - on button press, set animation to crouch - internal pain app. and animation tabs are accesed by double clicking on sprite and there will be a small tab with animations. Right click there to add a new animation, and at the bottom there will be another tab with frames.

    2. Player hitboxes - these are set in the internal paint app, again by double clicking on sprite. If you want a smaller hitbox on crouch, you just need to go to that animation frame/frames and set the hitbox smaller there.

    3. You need to make a variable checking if player is crouching: make variable, turn it on while player is crouching, and if that variable is turned on, it means he is crouching and during the time that variable is on, on key press attack ---> play animation crouch attack. On button crouch not pressed anymore turn crouching variable off.

    To attach something to a sprite look for the pin to behaviour.

  • I cant seem to hide or disable for the moment some of the effecs that I am testing out. Is this possible? Or do we have to delete an effect?

    Also I cant seem to find an opacity slider for some of the colour correction effects. Am I missing something or is it just not there?

    It would be a shame if I have to write down the values of the effects and delete them when I dont need them during the moment.

  • I would go for a black grid, so that it blends with the background. Or better if you intend on having different background colours, I would make the tiles 1 or 2 pixels smaller all around, and leave that gap between them.

    I see no reason to introduce yet another colour/shade to this cool minimalistic approach.

  • LittleStain

    Well, if I use 32x32 tiles, and I want to make them tile and fit together and still be reused, I need to draw them small as in 1 32x32 tile is a repetitive tile.

    Remember this is being loaded upon scrolling. Or perphaps I am limited in my thinking here?

  • I suggest implementing (if possible) a system where if the person posts more than 3 or 4 posts with the same title/contents all of hits posts for the past 1 hour or so are removed. Or at least are removed temporary/flagged for mods to review.

  • I want to make my looping background consume less memory (not that its a problem now, no lag here but I am pondering the best way to make a scrolling backdrop) and I am looking into different options to solve this. At the moment I have the background set up simillarly like it is in the infine runner tutorial but without the bullet behaviour, only as a self + value *dt fashion.

    Now Ive briefly researched and found the following options:

    1) Move background as sprite, move on everytick - like i have it solved now - read that its not the best of ways.

    2) Use behaviours, bullet behaviour

    3) Use behaviours, scroll to behaviour

    4) Use tilable background - can lead to some issues when using different scale modes - is it possible to reload a different image during runtime?

    5) Cut backdrop in unique pieces and saw using code

    6) Cut backdrop into tiling pieces use code to saw and tile

    7) Use tiles to create the backdrop on the go.

    Now I understand that using tiles will limit me to a low res tiling map, 32x32 pixels, that is why I am also looking into different options especially for bigger res backdrops.

    Any input regarding any of the above or even other options is very welcome. I alone am not to keen on using behaviours, rather go a longer way and solve using events, but in the end its the result that matters and if the behaviours dont limit my options, why not.

  • You have to turn the points that the player gets into rotation value for the odometer arrow.

    Depending on the score, you might need to either divide if the score will be high to get a fraction, and enter that value/variable into the rotation angle field.

    It depends what is the highest value on the Odometer.

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  • You need to provide a little bit of information.

    For how long should the object be on screen? What are is the condition under which it will be destroyed? Timer, enemy collision or on button press?

    Is the spawning point of the objects set to be anywhere on the whole screen?

    Basically you need to set up a variable that checks if the object is on screen.

    I usually go with numeric variable and set 0=not true 1= true, as in binary code on/off.

    Object_spawned_on_screen = 0

    IF Object_spawned_on_screen = 0

    Create object at position (x=random(0,yourscenewidth),y=random(0,yoursceneheight)) ----> example: if scene is 640x480 enter accordingly

    Set Object_spawned_on_screen=1

    Wait 4 seconds

    Destroy Object

    Set Object_spawned_on_screen=0

    Now there can be a problem where your object spawns half cut at the edge of the screen. In this situation we need to add a margin to the spawning area above, basically depending on the margin and the size of the sprite we can either add a pixel amount, half of the object sprite, or the whole width and height of the object.

    So for example:


    This will give you a 100 pixel buffer around the scene, where the object will not spawn.

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