Solomon's Recent Forum Activity

  • rekjl - Ok I followed your example and know now what you did, thanks for your help

    RamPackWobble - Thanks for your example, a lot to learn there

  • Is this what you wanted to achieve?

    Wow, so basically it was all because of the "every random(0,4) seconds" that I was having both jitter problems on spawn and problems with spawning in the timeframe after destroying a box once they were all spawned? You switched the 'after random time frame' from event to action and killed 2 birds with 1 stone?

    Or did you do something else to prevent the box spawn jitter?

    I still dont get it why it cant be the way I did it the first time Could you please explain the difference?

    One more thing, did the collisions work alright (meaning were they pixel perfect without overlapping the ground) when the boxes hit the ground sprite? I read that there is a way to attach an invisible sprite to check for collisions, but why is that necessary, how come this simple code for collisions doesn't work?

    Thanks for all your help

  • To download the capx file please go to:


    Yes the first 4 boxes spawn correctly, the problem appears after I start destroying boxes after waiting a couple of seconds. So basically try this with the file that I have provided: Wait for 4 boxes to spawn. Wait 4 or more seconds after they are sitting on the ground. Click on a box to destroy it and watch another box spawn immediately instead during the 0-4 second period as is stated in code.

    Regarding the sine movement, if it really is buggy then I am a bit worried So basically it would be better to come up with a random movement and not use that behaviour eh?


    Cant download the file unfortunately, missing file.


    I am attaching the capx file as you requested.

    So basically steps needed to recreate my problems:

    1) Watch as the boxes spawn from the spawner, keep destroying them randomly and watch them spawn. Some boxes will have a jittery movement on spawning other will not.

    2) Wait until the boxes are spawned randomly, all 4 of them. Then wait 4 seconds or more, and click on a box to destroy it, now watch a box appear instantly instead of in the 0-4 second time frame as Ive inputted in the event editor.

    3) There is also 1 more issue. Although I have set collision, the boxes, once they fall on the ground sprite overlap it. The only way to get rid of the sine and bullet behaviors on the boxes I came up with I have implemented, but still the boxes aren't pixel perfect so to speak with their collisions. Whats more, not only they aren't pixel perfect, but their overlap is not constant, some will fall more some less, which is weird as they all have the same speed when falling.

    I am getting a little bit fed up, I cant make a simple game without errors.

    Any help will be really appreciated.

    Thank you.

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  • I am relatively new to Construct 2, but one thing I learned, is that one is shooting off because they can both collide with each other.

    So to prevent that you would have to disable their ability to mutually collide.

  • It is hard to tell without looking at your events. Can you share the capx or screenshot of your events so everyone can better look at it.

    Here is a part of the code: (sorry cant attach files here)

    I have another problem with this code.

    I have set it up so that a box is spawned randomly every 0-4 seconds under the condition that there are less than 4 boxes in the scene.

    Once I destroy a box, another box is supposed to spawn between 0-4 seconds, but instead the box spawns immediately after I destroy 1. I have tested this for

    a couple minutes straight hundred of times, since I thought that the box might be spawning in the 0-ish time frame. But no, it does not, it always spawns straight away.

    It seems that when the 4 boxes have been spawned, and I wait for 4 seconds or more to destroy a box, it is spawned straight away like I said. The random time does not work after I wait the 4 seconds, seems like it loads a box into memory during the time that the boxes are all loaded and after the 4 seconds I wait.

    Now I can't jump over this, to me it seems that the code is not behaving as I am making it to, but I might be missing something since I am have just started working in Construct 2 today. Thanks for the help.

  • Hi, I am having a problem with spawning an actor into the scene with bullet and sine behaviour attached to him.

    Initially, on spawn there is this wierd jerky movement, not only does this not look nice, also there are times when due to this he is thrown out of the scene even though I have set some boundaries. After spawning its all good, just during the spawning moment, he apears and then is yanked to the left or right by some pixels.

    I would appreciate any help.


    EDIT: The jerky spawn isnt happening all the time, its random. I should add that I am spawning actors in a random time frame too.

  • AllanR and blackhornet

    Wow thanks!!! So simple and so efficient

    Once again thanks for your time and help!

  • Sprite:Pick top instance

    Darn, I can't seem to find that anywhere? Hmm... will keep looking...

  • Did you try the condition > system > only once while true ?

    Can't nest the 'destroy on click' in the 'trigger once while true' command... unless I'm doing something wrong?

  • Hi, My first Construct 2 question (regarding code)

    I have a set up a system which destroys an instance by clicking on it. Only problem is when the instances are overlapping, clicking on them destroys all of them instead of one of the instances.

    How could I go about making it so that by clicking on overlapping instances only 1 instance is destroyed? Currently they are on the same layer, I was thinking on adding them to different layers upon creation, then somehow deleting one by layer only.

    Only what if I end up with 20 instances? I recon that the layer placement upon creation could be hard on memory.

    The other idea is that each needs to be somehow labeled, then upon clicking the overlapping instances need to be checked and only 1 needs to be destroyed.

    But then again I might be doing this backwards

    I would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this matter.

    Thank you.

    Ps. At the moment it is only 1 type of instance that is being created.

  • Solomon

    I had a similar experience recently after a Windows Update.

    Microsoft decided I needed an 'Important' update (KB3035583), which after installing, placed an annoying 'Get Windows 10' icon in the notification tray, as well as resetting Automatic Updates to include the Recommended updates (which, after 15 years of updating my company systems I know are pointless). This had the unfortunate effect that when going to shutdown for the night, I found I had 58 updates to install.

    After install, my system was a dog. Luckily, I know what I'm doing and managed to get it back to it's previous state.


    Don't trust Micrs**t ;/

    It is certainly possible an update has caused your system to be 'glitchy'.

    Ive tried to uninstall some updates, but there are just too many installed! For the moment I have to roll with my laggy system unfortunately because of work that I have to do, but Ill format my computer as soon as I find a window to do so.

    Yep I am almost certain now its because of the updates.

  • Hi Ashley, Ive only tested it out in Firefox and Opera, did not install Chrome.

    I think it has something to do with one of the Windows updates, been reading on other webpages concerning Html5 game development and I have found some posts where people mention similar issues due to updating Windows.

    I will keep you all informed how it goes.

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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