Solomon's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is it possible to arrange global variables into groups/lists, so that when selecting variables into an event the list is not so long?

    So basically I would set which group I want to be shown where?

    Instead of all the global variable in one long list I would have groups of smaller lists. (and still for the variable to remain global so I can use it in other groups) I know its possible to type them in, but some of the names are getting long and even with autofind I do sometimes need to remind myself of a variable name.

    It would look cleaner too.

  • Zebbi

    Glad it helped!

    What is your frame rate limit? Did you set one up? Try to set a FPS limit to 60 on your graphics card perphaps that will help with the "drag".

  • Hahaha 5* dude!

  • Zebbi - what OS are you using?

    If windows 7 u need to turn on AERO for the vsync to kick in when in desktop.

  • Working on a little project for the Idle Thumbs Winter Wizard Jam.

    ahr Ech

    Really cool projects and designs, nice flow!

    Ive got a question if you dont mind.

    As I see you are focusing on games for PC (especially considering your 2.5 isometric spaceman game, "Reliquary"), I was wondering what resolution are you aiming for and designing in, in Construct 2? And what exporting format/module do you plan on releasing it in?

    It would be nice to hear from someone that is already a veteran on the Construct 2 battlefield so to speak. Of course if you dont mind sharing, thanks.

  • Thanks for all the advice.

    I picked up a copy of The Animators Survival kit (...)


    Nice, good choice, I see you know where to look for references

  • Asmodean Thanks!

    Well I checked the temperature and fans before using diagnostic tools from my Windows desktop and I did not see anything suspicious after comparing my temperatures to those of folks on the internet.

    But now that all is good its time to celebrate, with some fresh carrot juice and a loaf of freshly baked brown bread with chia seeds. Gutten apetit!

  • Zebbi

    Ive managed to resolve the problem, read

    Perphaps it can help you as well.


    1) After a new fresh format I have decided to open my computer case, take out my graphics card and my hard drive, detach it and clean the hell out of both of them using a air spray can for about 20 minutes with pauses. Then I took a brush and brushed all the dust the heck out of it.

    Then I firmly connected both into their slots on the motherboard.

    2)Next I downloaded Nvidia Inspector from, ran it and changed vertical tear control to standard.

    3)Last but not least Ive reverted back to AERO theme instread of classic, because from what I read only AERO supports vsync for tearing.

    Sorry for all the hassle everyone especially Asmodean, and thanks for your time

    Hopefully now I can return to making games without any other problematic interferences!

  • After updating Construct 2 to version 217 and updating NWjs to the newest build all is well and as should be and the problem is no more.

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  • Your problems get really strange I had never tearing with construct either in browser or in NW.js. Can you set all settings back in your graphic card driver to default an try again?

    Is it possible that you try another graphic card, maybe it's really a hardware problem or you could try at first another monitor-cable that's very unlikely that's the problem, but I'm really out of ideas.

    I tried 2 different monitors with 2 different cables. No difference there.

    I have set the graphic card settings to default a couple of times inbetween dialing up/down different settings.

    Different graphics cards - unfortunately I have no such possibility, but you are right, that would simplify a lot and help troubleshoot if the problem is with the graphics card itself.

    It would be nice to find another person with a Geforce GTX 960 to verify that its only me that is having such problems with construct 2.

    But it seems that its not only me that is having such issues:

    EDIT: Time to format my computer again, Im getting wierd artifacts in the browser with Firefox, I think the Windows live updates $(&@$ my computer up. But that cant be the issue I dont think, since I had problems before the updates, and I tried to remedy them by installing the updates. I hope its not a case of my graphics card and the Windows version, because Im not moving onto Windows 8 or 10.

    See you after reformat.

    PS. Do you think that it could be that my hard drive is too slow?

  • Same issue here, tearing about a quarter way down from the top of the screen, like a fold.

    What graphics card have you got? Have you tried turning on Vsync? Do you have the tearing in other games too? Other 2d games?

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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