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  • LittleStain

    Hmm... interesting..

    I have a small prototype done with introductory functions, and now I would like to lock down screen resolution.

    I dont understand how you say that you would not settle for a screen resolution, when it is necesary to pick one in the tab?

    I take it its best to choose any resolution/ratio and just code for the HUD to line itself up with each of the resolutions and ratios, sort of in spirit of coding web pages.

    Thanks for the info, will do some more reading on this.

  • If you were making a game strictly for PC/Mac, what resolution/ratio would you make it in?

    I am currently doing some reading, also taking into consideration the scaling modes, nevertheless thought I ask around.

  • Could you specify what kind of problems? Im currently in the process of making a game with the intention of publishing as NWjs once final.

    I would be interested to know what kind of trouble you are getting if possible.

  • I get screen tearing too with nwjs 13 alpha 7 and nwjs 12. It doesn't help to set vsync to 'on' instead of 'use application setting' in nvidia control panel.


    Windows 7 SP1

    Geforce GTX750 / driver 353.62

    Turn on Windows AERO. Without it Windows does not utilize the Vsync function.

  • [quote:1g12htnt]Global variables per event sheet?

    I don't get it..

    Having an option to purge/remove unused global/local variables per event sheet. So if I have 3 event sheets, I only want to check and remove unused variables on 1 sheet, I click on that sheet and only remove on that sheet. Thus I have written, having such a feature based on a per event sheet basis.

    [quote:1g12htnt]But like I said, removing unused variables will do (almost) nothing for performance, so it seems like an unimportant feature to me..

    I mentioned this regarding event sheet aestethic and readability on a personal level for the programmers comfort.

    That is a good reason to have this implemented in my opinion.

    Its about performance during programing, but its also about having visually clear logic and tidy event sheets.

  • Shame, it would be nice to have such a feature, especially on a per event sheet basis.

  • Is there an option to purge/automatically delete all and any global and local variables that are not being used?

  • As I have a lot of Groups in my event sheets, it would be really helpful in terms of visual aid to have the option to change colour of each Group tab seperately with a different colour.

  • You can change the colour scheme for all Groups, but not individually.

    IIRC this may be on an Ashley todo list somewhere.

    Yep I was aware about the overall colour scheme for C2, but couldnt find this feature thus I asked.

    Do you know if this had been posted as a request?

    It would be neat if the colour change option were available by right clicking a group tab for example.

  • Is it possible to apply different colours for Group tabs in the event editor?

    Ive got quite a few groups, and it would be easier to distinguish between some of them if this was possible.

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  • :lol:

    > Are you guys just bumping up your post stats?


    nearly got 500 rep though lol

  • Like I'd need that..

    I honestly want to help this person, but without knowing what the problem is, it gets hard..

    A rich man wants even more money...

    Just kidding

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Member since 22 Aug, 2015

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