Jerementor's Recent Forum Activity

  • That is a great idea! I will see if I can incorporate some kind of RTS or pong clone!

  • UPDATE #1

    Thank you all for giving your input on the course! I have heard all of your feedback and am in the final stages of my mega C2 course! The course will be released early access with only one game, but the 9 games remaining will be added shortly thereafter!

    Without further ado below is a screenshot of the fighting game we will be making!

    The game features so far:

    - Dynamic Camera (Properly working)

    • Player with three attack animations (one attack, two combos)
    • Enemy AI and Collision
    • Sound Management
    • Gamepad Support
    • Menu and Game Over stats
    • TBA: Dodge, roll, more enemies etc.(once we get further in the course)

    Now, I am posting this today because I am stumped as to what I should name this course. This course has transformed from making games for those who have never made them, to making complex games that you are hard to find with C2! So when this is released early, we will start with the fighting game but I want to make sure in the long run, the first game we make is simple for those who have never programmed. I am limited to 60 chars and here are the names I was thinking about:

    The Complete Non-Programmer Game Dev Course - Build 10 Games

    The Complete Construct 2 Game Development Course - 10 Games!

    Game Development for Non-Programmers Build With Construct 2!

    Learn Construct 2: Program 10 Complete HTML5 Games with ease

    C2 Programming - Learn how to build 10 Complete HTML5 Games!

    These are just some names to go on, I would love to hear your feedback on these names and what you think you would ultimately sell! As far as early access price goes I promise to give everyone here the best possible deal. This fighting game is A LOT of work (be prepared) let alone 9 more in-depth and intense games so I hope everyone understands!

    Thank you so much for your help, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    Best regards,



    Hey everyone!

    I am Jeremy Alexander and I have been teaching Construct 2 for a while now. You may recognize me from the recent Construct 2 Academy videos which you can check out here:

    Or you may know me from the 5 other courses I've made on this wonderful software!

    I am currently working on my very first, mega course and it's all about making 10 different games with Construct 2. We will be making them from start to finish, with a menu, polish, exporting to HTML5, the whole 9 yards! But what makes this course different from the other ones that I have made is that I want you involved every step of the way.

    To do this, if you could fill out my survey (it's 3 questions) on what 10 games (don't worry it's easy to fill out) you would like to be programmed or if you have an even better idea please let me know!

    The best part is, unlike my other courses, I am releasing this very early! So as soon as the first game is finished, you will be able to go through the development process with me, give me feedback, ask me personal questions, get advice on everything C2 and from there we will both develop the games YOU want!

    There will be more details to come from my YouTube channel in the coming days, and you can find a video of me talking about the survey here:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    but I hope you can you help me out and get excited for this course!

    Best regards,

    Jeremy <- Survey! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    PS. I love answering questions so never hesitate to reach out to me or send me your .capx files!

    TL;DR Making mega course on C2 (10 games in 1) would love your input! Check out survey!

  • Hey thank you all very much! That means a lot. Glad to shine some light on the hotkeys!!

  • Thank you very much! That means a lot to me that you enjoy it! I have a new one that should be posted tomorrow

  • Just uploaded my first video to the academy!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Very excited for other videos to come!

  • Hey everyone,

    Here is a video I made to showcase 10 tips and tricks!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Any comments or feedback would be much appreciated!



  • This games sick! Good Job!

  • lol thanks so much for helping me with this. I'm trying to get my own version to work here. The movement is the hardest part.

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  • When I try that it messes up the movement...I'm going to try something else and post it shortly.

  • Hmm so..instead of randomizing the grid is there a way to draw the grid out?

  • WOW THIS IS AWESOME! Exactly what I was looking for...except wow I have no idea how you made that.

  • Yeah I would like for the character to "teleport" using WASD from one tile to another so you get the illusion of it walking around..

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Member since 16 Jun, 2011

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