give the man a break. I'm a game dev just like him(on a different site), and it could take a LONG time to add new things to our games, I haven't updated my game in a while due to how long it'll take to add this certain feature I want to add, don't tell game dev's to "update quicker" why don't you go try coding and game design
I know that charm I have it in fact but I NEED MORE SLOTS
GOLIMITES add armour that gives us another summon slot and my life is YOURS (I'm a big summon user)
allow us to upgrade the Abyssal armour like how we could upgrade the alloy armour
you kill the ice worm boss
Blud got us with the "you thought that was it ,boss" Red ghost would approve
ESPECIALLY the blood slime
one of them is definitely the nimbus charm THE SUMMONERS CLASS NEEDS MORE LOVE and that charm is an excellent present to us summoners.
new torch types?
okay what is happening my saved game is now gone again,now I have to redo EVERYTHING one again
my world in which I had everything is gone. Days of grinding to get all the loot gone for an unknown reason.
agreed I would kill all my teammates
wait there's new bosses too?
I stabbed the wendigoo to death with the pitchfork
Member since 13 Sep, 2024