yo that's me
HUZZAH! just gotta say, me and my friends play this game constantly, as it is extremely fun. Thanks for making this game! Also, there is a bug where if there's a draw, the screen will go blank and nothing will happen.
what if you add a cyber category for the next 10 weeks? or maybe one for Olympian gods? like Zeus is a character, and he shoots lightning bolts that spawn lightning strikes that pierce the whole map and damage other players
also I have an idea for a character: noodle man, he's made of noodles and shoots long, slow noodles out of a ramen bowl. his special would spawn a damaging ramen bowl and shoot noodles out. I think it would be a good dynasty character and would continue with the "man" trope like slime or cloud man.
I also made a shoot out wiki 😅 check mine out as well, please! shoot-out-reloaded.fandom.com/wiki/Shoot_Out_Reloaded_Wiki
Member since 19 Mar, 2024