K1kk0z90's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thank you for bringing it back! :)

  • Is anyone still working on this? I've created one for fgl 1.2 that works minified with all the conditions/actions added. But I don't want to post mine if someones already doing it.

    If no one else is working on this, could you post your plugin, please? I think it would be very useful for C2 users.

    Thank you in advance! :)

  • If you're using the built-in movement behaviours, and/or anything you move manually you are moving it considering delta time, you could use the action System: Set Time Scale to 0.

  • Hello,

    I read the Delta-time and framerate independence tutorial. In particular this part:

    t very low framerates, dt can become very large. For example, at 5 FPS, dt is 0.2. An object moving at 500 pixels per second is therefore moving 100 pixels per tick. This can cause it to "teleport" through walls or miss collisions with other objects.

    Games are usually unplayable at such low framerates, but it is even worse if they become unstable like that. To help the game stay reliable even at very low framerates, Construct 2 does not let dt get larger than 0.1.

    In my game, in which I use the Bullet behavior, sometimes happens that collisions are missed when FPS is low. I would like to decrease the minimum framerate from 0.1 to something lower.

    How can I do it? If it is impossible from C2 IDE, could you tell me what javascript file do I have to modify to change that value?

    Thank you very much in advance! :)

  • Bullet behavior uses Delta time to determine number of pixels moved per tick, resulting in a constant speed in fluctuating framerate conditions

    Is collision detection continuous or there is the possibility that when FPS is low the object "passes through walls"?

  • I haven't managed to correctly hide address bar on iOS 6.1.5 yet. :(

    This is my code:

    On start of layout:

    • Browser: Execute Javascript "if (!document.getElementById('space')) { var space = document.createElement('div'); space.style.height = '60px'; space.style.clear = 'both'; space.id = 'space'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(space); }"
    • Browser: Execute Javascript "if (window.location.hash.indexOf('#') == -1) { setTimeout(function(){ window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 0); }"

    This works when I open Safari on my game's page. But after I refresh the page, the address bar still hides, but the canvas doesn't fill all available space, but I get a blank border of 60 pixels at the bottom.

    Here are two pictures showing you what I mean:

    When I open the browser on the page

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36601350/scirra-hide-bar-before.png" border="0" />

    After I refresh the page

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36601350/scirra-hide-bar-after.png" border="0" />

    Any ideas?

    Thank you again!

  • Thank you for your answer Ashley, but I have iOS 6.1.5 on my iPod Touch, on which I am testing.

    It's great that iOS 7.1 will introduce minimal UI, solving the problem introduced with iOS 7. In the meantime, how can I hide the address bar on iOS 6.1.5? Thank you again! :)

  • I have tried using the Request fullscreen action of the Browser object inside of a touch event, but it did nothing on iOS 6.

    Then I tried another method, that initially works, but after refreshing the page doesn't work anymore. Here's what I did:

    On start of layout:

    • Browser: Execute javascript "var space = document.createElement('div'); space.style.height = '60px'; space.style.clear = 'both'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(space);"
    • Browser: Execute javascript "setTimeout(function(){           window.scrollTo(0, 1);      }, 0);"

    This way when I open Safari on the C2 app page it works correctly, but if I refresh the page, even if the address bar hides, a black border of 60 pixels appears at the bottom. Only when I close and reopen Safari it works again. Why?

    Any other ideas? Thanks!

    NOTE: The device is an iPod Touch (4th gen) with iOS 6.1.5.

  • Hi all! :)

    I'm trying the free version of C2 to see if it could work for a mobile HTML5 game.

    How do I hide the address bar in Safari mobile? I have searched the forums before posting this, but it didn't help me. I saw some old posts talking about a built-in "Hide bar" option in the projects settings (if I understood correctly) but I'm using the last version of C2 and I can't find it.

    Here's what I'm doing: I set the Fullscreen in browser setting to Scale outer. The Window size and the Layout size are both set to 320x480. I exported the project as an HTML5 site that I put on Dropbox to test it on my iPod Touch (4th gen) with iOS 6 installed. The address bar is shown.

    How can I have the address bar hidden on Safari mobile? Thank you in advance! :)

  • Yesterday I installed the new version of Construct (I haven't used it for some days

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • No, I've downloaded the program about 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow I'm going to download the new version of Construct and try again your .cap.

    Thanks, I'll let you know.

  • I tried to open your project, but it gives me an error: "abnormal program termination". Is there something wrong maybe with the download hosting?

    Thank you again for your help!

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Member since 25 Dec, 2009

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