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  • Animmaniac's solution should have worked. It appears to be a bug that it doesn't work with "fullscreen on(scaled)" as it works with "fullscreen off" and "fullscreen on (crop mode)". To be exact the scrollx and scrolly expressions are returning a position that's in the center of the screen but doesn't seem to have a correlation to the screen size.

    Now for a workaround select "fullscreen on (crop mode)" and set the scale manually. Then use these actions:

    Set layout scale to: min(WindowWidth/640,windowheight/480)

    Sprite set x: scrollX - WindowWidth/(LayoutScale*2)

    Sprite set y: scrollY - WindowHeight/(LayoutScale*2)

  • You can simulate Bounded scrolling with unbounded with this:

    Scroll to X: Clamp(Sprite.X, WindowWidth/2, LayoutWidth-WindowWidth/2)

    Scroll to Y: Clamp(Sprite.Y, WindowHeight/2, LayoutHeight-WindowHeight/2)

  • Just add the ships angle into the equation.

    The usual setup is to have "right" as an angle of 0.

    So the turret angle range would be:

    Ship.Angle+45 to Ship.Angle+135

    Then to reset the angle of the turret like your image set the turret's angle to Ship.Angle+90.

  • Nope, using Delta-Time makes it frame rate independent.

  • ranma

    In your first capx if you hide the locked sprite at the same time as destroying it you won't see it flash. When destroying a sprite it is not destroyed till the beginning of the next frame, so that is probably why you see it flash.

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  • Here are two other ways.

    1. Destroying the EditBox or Button will restore the keyboard focus.

    2. If you want to use python:

    import ctypes
  • Instead of "every 1 seconds" use a instance variable for a cooldown time between shots.

    Here is an example of multiple turrets and multiple targets:


    In the example the turrets target the closest player within range. I didn't work it out but it could be modified so that only the first object in range will be targeted until it is out of range.

  • The only tricky issue you may be the visual sorting of your objects if you have more than two overlapping.

  • To fix the collisions Add the "solid" behavior to "collisionhouse" and remove event 3.

  • It is crashing because you are using the OR condition, it's buggy. It often causes crashes when used with layout changes. I removed the OR conditions from your cap and it did not crash any more.


    I've looked at the source for the OR condition before and wasn't able to fully understand how it works. Which was mainly because it is spread though out the core event engine code.

  • While it is actually programming, I usually refer to it as "eventing" since the basic building blocks of the logic are called events in Construct.