R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • Easiest would be to just manually come up with a list of equations. Make enough and it should work.

    Other ideas could be to randomly gen two numbers and an operator repeatedly. It’s kind of shooting in the dark idea. You’d keep trying combinations till you get a result close enough. You’d probably want to discard any results that aren’t integers too.

    To make it work faster you could take the result and change it by a small amount, generate one number and use some algebra to calculate the other.

    Another idea is to make a big list of all numbers in a range combined together with each operator. We’d throw out all the non integer results and then sort the whole list by the result. Then to use you’d pick a random one from the list then jump a random amount away to another index for the other equations.

    Anyways just some random ideas. No pun intended. Maybe some of it could give you a possible approach to try.

  • Give it a try. Engines help you out in a lot of ways, and each engine is a bit different. Construct has a lot of useful features and the editor saves a lot of time. Knowing JavaScript is really a small portion of it. Construct has a certain JavaScript api to interact with the engine, and if you used another library it would have a different one. Or you could even make your own engine directly working with the web apis, but having it work the same across different browsers becomes something to handle.

    Anyways, it’s always a good exercise to try. You’ll learn a lot even if it doesn’t work out. You’ll learn how to to use different libraries, how to do some things that construct handled for you and give an appreciation of some complex things that construct does that aren’t simple to do on your own. But overall it’s all good. I don’t think it’s likely to be faster, especially at first. Overall you’re trading issues you have to deal with in construct with different ones. Although many may be the same.

  • Using mesh distort you can make a collision shape that approximates any image.


    It was a preliminary example. It uses the first shape found.

  • I'm probably missing the mark about what you're after again. But this has an object move with a force applied to an object (I went with a gravity based force). The predicted path is found by just doing multiple steps.

    This just does the physics manually so we don't have to simulate what the physics behavior does and deal with the value differences. It uses a fixed timestep to avoid the inconsistencies of a variable timestep since the acceleration is continuously changing.


    Maybe it could be useful for some ideas.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You could try something like this. Speed would be updated per second. You’d just tune the 100 to a speed you’d like. The lerp is to make the change more gradual.

    Global number presses=0
    Global number speed=0
    On key pressed
    — add 1 to presses
    Every 1 second
    — set speed to lerp(speed, 100*presses, 0.5)
    — set presses to 0

    Another idea that’s more continuous could be to have an array of say width 60 and

    Global number presses=0
    Global number speed=0
    Start of layout
    — array: set size to 60,1,1
    Every tick
    — array: set at ticks%60 to 0
    — set presses to 0
    Key is down
    Trigger once
    — array: set at ticks%60 to 1
    Repeat 60 times
    — add array.at(loopindex) to presses
    Every tick
    — set speed to 100*presses
  • When you use a density of 0 it probably just sets it to 1. Otherwise there would be divides by 0.

    Anyways look at the 2nd capx to see the conversion factors between what the behavior uses and calculating it manually.

    You asked about velocity? It’s the same either way. Pixels per second.

    Box2d uses meters for the distance unit internally not pixels so it’s typically scaled. So likely they picked 50 pixels = 1 meter in the behavior. The behavior tries to convert the values to be in pixel units but misses the mark with the conversion for anything but velocity. A fix would be simple but would break all existing projects with physics.

    Anyways units aside I’ll mess with it later.

  • It’s 30*30*1/50 = 18. Notice the /50 is needed. That’s what I mean by the units of the physics behavior being off. That second capx figures out the conversions between units in the behavior and what it should be. 50 comes up a lot. I think it was mainly due to an oversight when the behavior was made. Position and speed are spot on but most other values are off by some factor. This really only becomes an issue when trying to apply physics based calculations.

  • Ah gotcha. I get what you’re after now I think. The examples at this point are predicting the path as of the acceleration remains constant. But with what you’re after the force will vary based on the objects position.

    Glancing at your file the force you apply with physics is different that the force variables. But that’s as far as I got.

    If the fps is 60 and the physics is set to fixed timestep (which is 60 i think no matter what) then it’s just the process of simulating a frame at a time to get the path. Unfortunately the predicted path will vary if the the frame times vary. It’s trickier to make it frame rate independent since the force varies by position.

    Anyways, just some thoughts. I’ll be away for the computer for a while so there won’t be any soon solutions from me.

    I use the free version of c3 sparingly. I typically am not connected to the internet so I prefer c2. Someone gifted me c3, hence the icon I guess. It was nice of them, but I really don’t use use c3 to need it. I’m not even logged in. The free version is fine for my purposes.

  • I think I read what you wanted wrong. It sounds like its mostly a matter of calculating the force so that the object lands on the target after a duration.


    I skipped the physics behavior entirely so I wouldn't have to deal with the units.

  • I haven’t messed with it. It’s not an editor. It’s a way to package changes to css you make into an Addon. And maybe give some starting points on where to start editing the css.

    To do the actual editing you’d use your browser. Open up the dev console and then you can fiddle around with the css. I guess that’s not really coding. In chrome at least you can click on any element and it will jump to that portion in the css where you can change the color and such. That theme sdk probably makes it easier by letting you change some color variables that is used all over. Anyways that’s my impression at least from skimming that page.

    You could also try some dark mode browser addons. It may work. No idea. I’m not that into it. The most I’ve messed with css is to get rid of the pink text on the forums. Otherwise I stay away from it.

    Doesn’t construct come with a dark theme though?

  • construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/addon-sdk/guide/themes

    Sounds like you can fiddle about with the css to do whatever you like. Or maybe you can find an existing theme on the store.

  • There isn’t a super big demand for it but I’m sure it would be nice if they had a setting for the default size.

    For prototypes I generally resize to 32x32. Or if I’m quickly drawing stuff the default is fine since I usually crop at the end.

    In c2 you could replace the default image which I did once or twice.