R0J0hound's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have some time. If you post or pm your capx I can try to isolate the cause.

  • bladedpenguin

    On the note of searching, you can use google to search only the scirra website by adding the following to your google search.

    It has certain advantages over the forum's search.
  • Instead of using System->compare use system->"pick by comparison". The system->compare condition does no picking so it only ever compares with the first instance.

  • Can you run your nw.js exported exe from the command line with the --enable-logging switch? It will make a debug.log file that should have the error.

    A simple way to do that is to create a .bat file.

    Open notepad and type in:

    newproject --enable-logging[/code:2p88pw6b]
    where newproject is whatever the exe file is named.
    Next "save as" and call it debug.bat and save it to the same folder as the export.  Be sure to change the "save as type" to "all files" or it will save as a text file.
    Finally run the debug.bat file and the debug.log file will be created.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Recording player input and playing it back may work ok, but it will probably deviate and not be exactly like the original path of the player if the framerate isn't exactly the same. A better way would be to just record the position, animation and direction of the object each frame. Like this:

  • Paster seems to work with the minifier.

    What does the browser console say? You can open it with ctrl+shift+j.

  • Do you use "pick nth instance"? I think I've seen it before, but I forgot what was causing it. I'll see if I can reproduce it.


    I can't seem to reproduce it. :/

  • bladedpenguin

    Here's a list of variables that C2 provides for use in the shaders. To use them you still need to declare them at the top of your fx file.

    Most third party shaders are made by copying what existing shaders do. There was a question about variable qualifiers which may also be useful:

    Thirdly as a testing ground I've seen this online tool used to make shaders quicker:

  • Nice, that looks pretty cool.

  • Valex

    Other objects can still collide with them, but you still need to disable collisions between the beams.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... group.capx

    The only other option would be to change the location where you add the joint so that the beams aren't touching.

  • How are you pairing the ships with the colliders? From what it looks like you're using an overlap check to pick the ship from the colliders. You could eliminate those collision checks by putting the colliders and ship into a container.

    Another thing you can do is check for collider overlaps once and store the result in a variable.

    every tick:

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedL to false

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedR to false

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedF to false

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedB to false

    colliderL is overlapping obstacles:

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedL to true

    colliderR is overlapping obstacles:

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedR to true

    colliderF is overlapping obstacles:

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedF to true

    colliderB is overlapping obstacles:

    --- controller_smallShip: set blockedB to true

    Then for the remainder of the event sheet just check those booleans. You shouldn't need to actually check for collisions again that tick unless you change the object's postions in the event sheet. This technique is mainly useful if you you're doing the same overlap check in multiple places.

  • You can do the pattern you're specifying like so:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... ttern.capx

    To create near an existing point you could do something like the following:

    pick random instance of sprite

    --- create sprite at (random(-100,100)+sprite.x, random(-100,100)+sprite.y)