This is a really hard topic regarding the native export. A lot of mixed feelings about that. I've been programming apps for over 10 years now with Java, PHP, JS, C# and other languages... so I am aware how much time consuming the "real" development is. I even made some games in pure JS and believe me what can be done with C2 in a day, takes weeks if you use pure programming. So from that point of view I REALLY admire
Ashley job. Making a project like a C2 is a huge challange, and the fact that he is coding alone is just insane!
From the other point of view it is true that for a professionals it's really a big issue to work with C2 in a manner to rely your business on it. But it's not purely C2 fault. It's the HTML5 wrapping technology problem mostly. C2 doesn't have so many issues/bugs. If you focus on the bug reports and follow them you notice that big majority of them are external problems. iOS sound issue was external problem, API android issue is external problem etc...
And no matter if it's IntelXDK or CocoonIO... there are always some issues with them and if there aren't any at the moment... be sure they will appear cause this technology grows faster then they manage to test it (for some weird reason).
So C2 apps (except the HTML5 apps - I mean pure export for browsers) rely basically on third party solutions. Maybe it will get steady in several years (same chaotic situation we had years ago with various browsers parsing JS/CSS).
Ashley able to build his own wrapper fully focused on C2 compatibility? I think in theory he is, but that is enormous amount of work. And as a one man army it's just pointless. I have no idea what is Scirra's budget... but Ideal situation would be if
Ashley hire some dev team dedicated to do this. That would give the feeling that C2 development is kinda "stable". At the moment making an app in C2 is fun and pleasent, but when it comes to wrapping there is always like "please work! please work!". Cause you never know...