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Well, disabled ( toggled ) code. I just would be able to set it's opacity in options.
Why not to toggle if I want to check if things will work different without some parts of the code?
That would be very helpful to be able to preview in node webkit
I'm not very advanced in any programming so I experiment a lot and ending up having a lot of toggled elements. I'm finding that toggled elements break readability of the code for me and I wander if it would be possible to add option to change its opacity? Also how can I remove toggle bookmark?
Ok, I see. Thanks for your help, but unfortunately this doesn't solve it. I need that kind of beacon step progression. Well I'm working on it.
Thanks, I need to install latest beta version.
Like this one.
<img src="" border="0" />
No I mean the map like the random galaxy maps
Same issue. r132
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks.
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