In r195 we updated Mobile Advert to use WKWebView instead of UIWebView:
Mobile Advert: updated to use WKWebView instead of UIWebView on iOS
This involved updating Google's ad consent library - googleads-consent-sdk-ios - to v1.0.5, which switched UIWebView for WKWebView. The update was published as construct-mobile-advertsjc@1.6.0. I just searched our code and there are no results for "UIWebView", so it looks like it was completely switched.
So it's hard to know why you'd still get a warning about UIWebView. Maybe Apple's warning is wrong, or Google's library did not completely remove UIWebView, or you used the wrong version of Construct, or you're doing a manual build and haven't updated the plugins, or it's a different third-party addon that's actually causing the problem, or something else.