Justin1967's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi electrone,

    I was wondering which Touch condition you used.

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  • First of all a huge thanks to ArcadEd for posting a 7 part video tutorial on YouTube on Recreating a classic: Frogger.

    If you are new to Construct2 (like me) then I would definitely recommend watching them from start to end.

    Things I didn't use from the tutorial were the Move To plugin and the collision posts (left and right).

    Things I did add were the 10 points for every jump moving up. But this only once. Jumping down and back up will not add another 10 points to the score. Besides the fly for extra bonus points I included the snapping croc Level counter added and at every new level the enemies start moving a bit faster. Implemented the Hi-Score, added a few more Functions and did some clean up on the programming (Events and Actions).

    Worked out the sprites first on grid paper and tried my best to match up things the best I could.

    Lastly, I have a personal license so I used the Families under Objects and the Beta R198 release.

    Watch the video's on YouTube, follow along and take a look at the *.capx file I included. Learn, do, test and have fun. That's my advice. It certainly worked for me!

  • Hello Construct 2 community!

    Guess it's about time to introduce myself. My name is Justin. My age? Well, that's easy if you do the math I love computer games. Not just the game play but I'm also interested in "How did they do that?"

    I started off on a Commodore 64 then an Amiga 1200. Some of you probably may still even know the SEUCK and AMOS for the Amiga 1200. I made a Pac-Man clone with AMOS and I was hooked. But PC's got better and faster and software more advanced. I wasn't going to get into any complicated computer language, so I just kept it my interest to game play

    Then came Construct 2! This brought my interest back to game making. Still some things to learn, but much easier than any 'complicated' computer language. Used the free version for a month or so and just this week I decided to puchase a Personal License.

    I have a week off...so I guess I'll be in here a lot

  • Thanks blackhornet. I'll take a look at it.

  • What would the event look like? For "Wave" 0 to 32 then read out the X and then the 2nd event to read out the Y?

  • I have an enemy attack pattern in an array. It has 2 dimensions holding the X and Y values. The enemy's X and Y positions have to be read in from the array. Do I have to use a loop? I've tried a "For Each" loop but I'm kinda lost. Grrr..

    Help please. Thanks.

  • Gyruss is a shoot 'em up game from the 80's.

    Got the basics laid out in C2.

    1. HUD

    2. Starfield

    3. Player

    HUD is arcade style. Stars are spawned from the mid point play screen and moved along a random angle (between 0 - 360 degrees). Player (ship) rotates in a circular motion around the mid point screen. The player can shoot lasers that move to the mid point screen and scale down to give depth.

    I haven't figured out how to make the attack wave patterns for the enemies. So, any suggestions would be very helpful and appreciated.

    I won't be publishing this game if or when I finish it. Gyruss is a trade mark game

    I've attached a screen shot and hope to hear from you with all your comments, suggestions etc.

    Long live Construct2


  • Hey Colludium,

    Awesome! Great graphics.

    Can you explain how you made the cool attack waves?

  • Were you able to finish the game? I'm just starting on it. I loved this game in the 80's

  • Thanks for all your help guys. Is there btw a tutorial on 'enemy attack waves' ? Not one the moves on a straight path, but a more complex one like curves, circles etc. What's the best approach?

    Couldn't find anything on the forum or on Google.

  • Thanks eli0s! I figured out how to make the sprite move faster a long the path, but how do I make it follow an invisible path. I can't have a black path on top of my backgound scene

  • Thanks. I'll take a look at the .capx file.

    I got mine working with a formula. I forgot to increment the degrees after every press of the key! Duh

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