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  • Can u show a screensplash of your "code"?

  • Could u put a screensplash of your "code"?

  • intel XDK was my first option to export and it take about 5 minutes with my game (it depends of size). And If you use too many XDK Plug-ins it compile slower.

    Now i export with Ludei cose if you dont have WebGl on your phone, some games (as mine) run veeeery slow.

    Note: Some people have problems exporting their projects in XDK when use "minify project" when export to cordova

  • On suspended --> Audio; Pause tag "NameTag"

    Rememeber to use a Tag for your music (Audio -> Play -> AudioFile, Loop, Volume, TAG)

  • Thanks for quick reply, sorry my english too, im italian. I Tryed all the way, but there is something wrong. In test mode it open pop up continuosly...if i export to android when app starts a page with login appears, not like every game with google play game. The plugin gives error in building whit xdk...

    In test mode it open pop up continuosly. -> This is very rare. How is your code? I mean,can you make a print screen of construct google play event?

  • Thank you!

  • what do u want to do with that?

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  • when u exit of a layout it restart everithing except global variables and groups (if its active or not). That u can do is add to the character and enemies, etc the behavior "persist" to remember their position and variables of instance. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Tell me if now it works.

    Could u make me a favor? Its easy: Rate my app (i would like with 5 stars <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ) ... artrunning


  • first make sure it works on the test mode of construct2. To do that, first u have to go your google play dashboard ->game sevices->select your game->on the bottom of screen u will see the name of your game in blue color. Clic there.->You are now on developer console. Clic on credentials on the left of the screen. (i know u know that. I say just in case <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> ). Make sure on ID of aplication web client -> javascript origins u have: http://localhost:50000, and in URIS: http://localhost.

    And u have to put the client ID on construct2´s GooglePlay plugin.

    Well... When u run test mode does it works??

    If the answer is yes, when u export to intel cordova u have to fill client secret too on googleplay object of construct.

    Now export to cordova. Open Intel XDK.

    And remember add the plugin of google services.

    To do that u have to add plug- ins from third parts, and, on the text box white: (If u prefer, u can use the plugin checking the box on the intel xdk plugins).

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Tell me if now works

  • Hello,

    I have same problem

    You get it?

  • Thank you all!

    I gonna try it!

  • I have the same problem. But it only appears when i export to cocoonjs. With cordova it doesnt appear

    Is a tiled background. Tiled is moving all the time to the left.

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Member since 16 Dec, 2014

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