Hello everybody ,
Today i am going to give you some tips on how to make your games faster and without stress
Tip 1 :
Before starting your game , write all your ideas on a White paper
Not on your PC :)
When you get a Solid Idea
Re-write it on the other side of the paper (Save the earth , don't use too much paper ) :/
This works for stories , mission storylines , Player names , Game title , etc
Ideas for the name of the hero
First Side:donnydore,Sailly,Max,PaperBeast
Second side: Paper Beast
Ideas for the story
First Side:The princess got captured,The hero got captured
Second Side: The princess got captured
Tip 2 :
Design your graphics on Paper Real One ( no colors is recommended ) and then scan it and draw on the hand-drawing with black and color it .
If you don't have a scanner just copy the design from your paper
Why you ask ? because when you draw it , you have more chances to get near the result that you want
Tip 3 :
All your graphics has to be ready when you start programming
because you don't have to stop programming each day because you have to design objects
Tip 4 :
The Players are the best sources of information , you can ask them which game they like and take good information of them
Tip 5 :
Do not stress yourself.
You produce better when you have time to think about your game , so if you want to produce better just work and don't stress yourself
i hope you learned from this tutorial , thumbs up , comment , feedback , and use these informations wisely :)