"Rock, Paper, Scissors" (RPS) Combat Engine

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Published on 16 May, 2024. Last updated 18 May, 2024

"Rock, Paper, Scissors" (RPS) Combat Engine For Action/Adventure, RPGs, and Rogue-Like Games.

Play this IGM in the Scirra Arcade ( construct.net/en/free-online-games/rock-paper-scissors-combat-64645/play )

Let’s learn how to use the “Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Mechanics” as a combat engine for any combat encounter theme such as "Street Fighter" or "Futuristic Space / Star Trek / Star Wars". I also use this Rock, Paper, Scissors game mechanics as a mini-adventure called the "Derelict Hulks™ - The Salvage of NCC Pandora" (Play it from here). Before we begin, I’d like to thank “Naji” for his helpful Construct2 rps tutorial.

There are a few "Rock, Paper, Scissors" free tutorials and samples in the Construct Asset Store. I've read ALL of them and purchased some that I thought worthy of deeper investigation. This brief tutorial demonstrates what I've learned from my quest and how I use the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game mechanics as a combat engine.

Let's begin with a new Construct 3 project. I prefer using Construct 3 with all its expanded new HTML features. Here are the project features we'll create:

  • a stand-alone "Combat Engine" using "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game mechanics.
  • use Construct3 HTML elements and HTML Layers.
  • a simplified "RPS" game mechanics based on sprite animation frames.
  • No external plugins are used; only native Construct3 elements. (The Construct2 version is only available in the download package.)
  • W3CSS integration.
  • Dynamically generated HUD feedback for each combat turn.
  • License and Source Code are available in the Construct Asset Store.
  • a Free "Developer's Guide" in the Construct Asset Store licensed package.

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