Construct Tutorials
Learn game development and animations with Construct
Construct 2 User Interface Video Tutorial
You can watch part one of my series of video tutorials on Construct 2's interface below. Go to page 2 for the concluding part of this video tutorial! The conclu...
XAudio2 - Peak and RMS
Warning: Unfortunately, the server software interprets the multiply sign as a control char. Therefore, throughout this tutorial all multiplication signs are rep...
Using a pivot point for rotating objects
When an object is on a pivot and you wish to rotate it, it becomes a little harder because you can't simply rotate from it's centre. You need to rotate from it'...
3d maps
Use the 3d camera to show a map in different views.
A simple tutorial for how to use different features of the Timer behavior.
Random Tile BG
A tutorial on using Tiled backgrounds random tile feature to make some colorful particle effects.