Main processes in game creation

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Published on 29 Nov, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hello friends! These are some steps to creating a game without getting lost!

1. The idea of ​​the game

Initial step, still away from the computer, is where the initial ideas of the development of the game will be splayed. It's up to you and your team to check what the game will look like, define the target audience, consider the age group, the platform to which it will be distributed, and finally the brainstorm stage.

2. Gender

It may seem simple but it is very important to define the genre that will be the game.

Game in first person, third person, puzzle, etc.

The decision of the genre must be adapted with the initial idea of ​​the game defined in step 1.

3. Plot

A good game almost always has a good story to tell.

Besides that the plot is very important so that the involved ones (programmers, designers, etc.), do not get lost during the production of the game.

4.Document of the Game Project

After writing the script, you should create this documentation, as it will be the summary of everything that will happen in the game.

This documentation must contain:

A) List of locations (places where the stages of the game will pass), such as in the jungle on the beach, etc. But it has to be well described with all the details, for example: animal noise, natural sounds, etc.

B) Cast of characters (all the characters, from the protagonist to the enemy).

5. Engine and software

The choice of engine and software that will be used in your project should be well thought out.

Some professional developers create their own software and engine.

6. Creating levels and other graphic elements

It is at this stage that the creation of the graphic environment and its visual components begins. Be creative.

7.IA (artificial intelligence)

It is considered the most complex and rigid stage of all.

At this stage we give life to beings that will not be controlled by the player (enemies).

8. Sounds and Songs

Generally music and sound are the last elements inserted in a game, but combined with the development of the game can have an exciting effect on the player who will be playing his game.

9. User Interface

The end of the production, where the initial menu, save options, exit option, etc. will be defined.

10. Testing

The test stage of the game already produced is very important to locate and correct errors that went unnoticed during creation.

11. Publication

After all hard work from afar this step is the watershed.

Define well your methods to carry out the publication, it is usually used social media, interactive channels, etc.

                                                           Personal tip

A good game of success is one that marks the player not only making him play multiple times, but rather adding satisfaction and self-fulfillment.

So remember to set goals, challenges and the main rewards.

After all, who does not like being rewarded for performing a task.


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