Easy interactive color learning


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Published on 7 Sep, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Dear all,

Hello, I just quickly used the textbox, text, sprite and button object to create an easy color learning game.

First, you have to set up the learning interface like this:

some of the items such as hints button and hints are invisible at first.

Here comes my Design Logic:

1. The interface ask the learners to type the color of the object.

2. When the learners click the submit button

3. C2 will check:(a) did the learners enter the word? (b) Is the answer correct? (c) Is the answer wrong?

4. If the learners get wrong at first, then, the hints button will appear, and learners could click the hints button to get answer on their own.

5. As long as the learner enter the correct answer, system will wait 3 secs and go to next level.

Thank you for read my first Tutorial and suggestions are welcome. :)



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