Construct 2 - One Trick Everyday #15 - Create image gallery quickly

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Published on 18 Jun, 2018. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hi Friends,

Sometimes we need image gallery in our games so I am going to tell you simplest and fastest trick to create an image gallery. Just follow simple steps below or download free capx for help. If you find any difficulty then see full demonstration in the video here

Step1: add image sprites like I showed in video

Step2: add direction arrow sprites

Step3: Create Global variable index

Step4: subtract 1 when user taps on left arrow

Step5: Add 1 when user taps on right arrow

Step6: When index value is less than 0 set index variable value to no. of images-1 bcz index starting from 0 instead of 1

Step7: here set index% (no. of images in gallery)



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