Construct 2 - One Trick Everyday #8 - Create thunder with sound

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Published on 23 Mar, 2018. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hi Friends,

I am back with another tutorial of construct 2. This time we are going to create thunder lightning along with sound. Like always I am also sharing video below and free capx can be downloaded from here. If you face problem in watching video here then watch it directly in youtube.


1. Select background of your game and give it inverse effect

2. Create a 5 second system where you enable and disable this effect at interval of 0.2 seconds. Repeat it as many times as you want.

3. Then add audio sound. Download free from internet.

4. Now we need lightning effect so download free lightning images from internet. add it in animation frames if you want like I did in video.

5. Create lightning object whenever sound is playing and set object invisible if sound stops.

6. You are done. Enjoy.


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