CocoonJS - How to build a store with perks and virtual currency

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Published on 13 Jun, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019



Please use the capx demo file at the left side. The file is well commented, so it is easy to understand how to handle it.

Download the demo capx here

C2 Store Basement

Google Play & Ludei's Cloud Compiler

Check this great tutorial from to find out how to setup IAP in your Google Play Dev. Console (You need a commercial Google Wallet Account) and your Ludei' Cloud Compiler Account (You need to be premium).

Tutorial: n-App Purchase on Google Play (Android) using CocoonJS

Test it

Replace the demo products with your products in the "product_X" variables and compile it with ludei's cloud compiler.

Note you neeed first to setup up your products at your Dev. Console and your Ludei account (You find a link above).

Screen Shots


You can use the function in any of your projects (privat and commerical), but please replace my graphics with yours.

Feel free to add me in your game credits if you use this store example in your game (voluntarily of course)


If you don't understand the capx file, feel free to comment this tutorial. I'll give my very best to help you out. If you also need help with other CocoonJS featuers check out this topic.


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