Apna khud ka flappy bird khel banain 10 minute mein!

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Published on 3 Jan, 2015. Last updated 25 Feb, 2019

Step 3

We now need to start making the game itself! If you haven't already, download the attached file on this tutorial. It contains all the images you'll need to make your game.

Go to your "Game Layout" and click and drag in "Bird.png", "Background.png", "Pipe-Bottom.png" and "Pipe-Top.png" one at a time. If you do them all at the same time, it will create an animation which we don't want! Position the background so it fits the layout perfectly.

Move the bird to the left of the screen where you want it to be played from. If any of the objects are hidden, right click on the background, go to "Z-Order" and send it to the back. Move the pipes off to the right of the layout. It should now look similar to this:

Right click the layout, and "Insert new object". Click "Tiled Background". Click somewhere on the layout. Once the "Edit Image" box pops up, click the "Open Icon" and select "Floor.png". Close the window. Set the size of this floor background image to "1000x28". Drag it so it's at the bottom of the layout.

Do the same again for the other background image "Floor2.png". Set the size of this to "1000x19" and position it just above the other floor background:


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