how to make an apk file using ( my own way )

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Published on 8 Feb, 2018. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hello in this tutorial i will show you how to make an optimized apk file using

1- the first thing you do is to export your game to cordova → click next → configure as i highlight and click export :

2- you get a folder contain these files :

3- right click in config.xml → open with notepad ++ → then delete all lines related to icons (delete the highlighting lines with yellow ) :

- do the same thing with config.json ( right click → open with notepad ++ → delete from "icons": [{ → }], ( above plugins ) )

- in www folder delete all icons and loading logo image ( 5 icons and 1 loading image )

4- go to www folder → open images folder then upload all pictures in ( to reduce the size a bit of the pictures ) then use a tool called rename master to easily rename the files as original pictures . ( you can skip this step if you not interested to reduce the size of the apk ) then paste all compressed pictures in the images folder then replace.

5- delete intelxdk.config.xml file

now go to your project files and zip them ( i use winrar to doing that ) :

6- after you make a zip file go to then upload your zip file

7- in settings go to android section change webview engine to canvas + → make your setting as you want then change install location to auto. → save the changes

8- download apk signer tool and make a keystore to sign your apk file ( its easy, there are many tutorials to how doing that ) this key is very important and you must save it in safe place , or make a multi copy of it and save them in many drives or usb. also you need to remember your password and alias password.

9- in in signing section choose android then upload your keystore :

10- now go to plugins → installed and delete these plugins → config + crosswalk webview ( if you add another plugin like admob just keep it ) :

11- now go to icons → in settings choose android and add a 1024 px icon to your game.

12 - at the end click compile and wait until finish then download your file .

you can test your apk in emulator like bluestacks or directly to your phone .

i hope you enjoy this tutorial and sorry for my English. if you have any questions just leave it in comments.


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