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create 26/Dec/2024
🔥 cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics
🔥 cordova-plugin-firebasex
The old plugin still works as usual,
if the new plugin is combined with the old plugin in 1 project,
the project cannot be built.
open addon manager, delete old plugin.
install merge_addon.c3addon
new addon name All_Firebase_X (Addon SDK V2)
old addon name All_Firebase (Addon SDK V2)
Score transfer
Chat App group
If you refund you will not get the next version update (new features and bug fixes.
Buy with us and we will refund 100% of the cost of the asset if it's non-functional or not as described and the author doesn't fix the issue for you in a timely manner.
misi kak, kok selain remote config, pada eror pas di jadiin apk ya? di youtub g ada jawabannya, makasih
Hubungi saya lansung cordova.c3addon@gmail.com
Hi, I appreciate that you have made an update to help me. But I have a little problem :( . I don't know how to use that thing you sent me. For me it is very convenient to use the plugins because I don't have to know programming to use them. Is there any other alternative? Thanks for your support.
I just created a new cordova plugin,
to create a new c3 addon.
I just sent a whitelist plugin request, I am not sure if this is accepted or not.
everything works well, and when something doesn't work, the developer helps solve the problem and promptly releases updates.
Everything has been working great, I just have one question (other people might want to know as well). I am trying to create Rules for my Firebase website, but I don't know how can I see what data this plugin sends to Firebase so I am not sure how to create correct rules.
I would really appreciate if you would let me know how I can see these requests.
next release I will improve the documentation,
added firebase rules.
the best addon, high recommend. The creator is so fast for supporting dev that know nothing about code like me. Have a great day!
New version just released.