Create Your Own Games Build and publish your own games just like Valiant to this arcade with Construct 3! Share this game
Work in Progress


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SilverWolf1558 Published on 19 Jul, 2023

Tony with his sword and shield. Needs to find a way to get home. Tony needs to find a route to get the flag. But some enemies will be in the way to stop you. Can you help him find a way to get home?

What's new!

Different types of platforms - Grass blocks and Stone Walls

New Enemies - Orc Warriors

A boarder - around the sides and the top of the game.

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Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move around the platforms. (Up arrow to jump, left arrow to move left, Right arrow to walk right)

If their is an Orc (enemy) in your way just run or jump on it and it will disappear.

The main goal is to get to the flag at the top. If you run into the flag you will disappear and means you have won the game. If you fall of the platforms it means you lose.

If you want to play it again reload your page.

This game is still a working progress.

Version History

ID Date Size Engine Plays
3 20 Jul, 2023 at 10:19 550.93 KB Construct 3 89
1 19 Jul, 2023 at 13:43 550.49 KB Construct 3 30

Used Plugins

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