Each hit takes 1 health. When full energy, hit by fire attack(combo attack) takes 2 health.
Forget about cheating by pushing the opponent to the side of the screen: When the gauge (yellow bar) is full, press the T key (P1) or the I key (P2) to hit the enemy backward, taking 2 health points from the opponent and "IT'S NOW THE TIME TO FIGHT BACK!"
W,A,S,D(P1) and Arrow key(P2) to move.
G, H key(P1), K, L(P2) to attack.
Backward key to defend.
Space to confirm.
P1 or P2 can push back the opponent, similar to SF6.
Dynamic cast shadow: The shadow changes when jumping up from the ground, and a shadow is cast on the player when jumping over another player. Players are automatically changed side.
Menu is in W.I.P.
@==[]============> - Don't play the game like a crazy player, don't resort to frantic "button mashing" just to find bugs :)) .Thanks!
Simple small project for Studying Game-creating at TAMK.