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Kabur "Koruptor Game Indonesia"

430 players, 559 plays 0 playing now, 6 most ever online
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ZZRGamer Published on 8 Mar, 2020

Menceritakan ada 2 orang koruptor yang berhasil kabur membawa Uang yang sangat banyak, sehingga para polisi mengejar mereka untuk ditangkap, dengan 5 level yang berbeda dan pertanyaan di setiap stage, maka game ini tidak terlalu monoton, dari level 1-5 ada tingkatan kesulitannya masing masing.

Tells that there are 2 corruptors who escaped carrying a lot of money, so the police chased them to be captured, with 5 different levels and questions at each stage, then this game is not too monotonous, from level 1-5 there are levels of difficulty each.


Gunakan arah tanda panah Keyboard untuk menggerakan pemain, dapatkan Koin di awal permainan, dan Hindari para Musuh.

Use the keyboard arrow keys to move the player, get Coins at the start of the game, and Avoid the Enemies.


Used Plugins

  • Audio
  • Browser
  • Keyboard
  • Multiplayer
  • progressbar
  • Sprite
  • Spritefont2
  • SpriteFontPlus
  • Text
  • TextBox
  • TiledBg
  • Touch
  • video

Used Behaviours

  • Bullet
  • Fade
  • Flash
  • Physics
  • Platform
  • scrollto
  • shadowcaster
  • Sin
  • solid
  • wrap

  • Order by
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