On the start screen type the name of the first player. Then select the second player text box and enter the name of the second player.
At the start of the game, both players' names are shown above their pieces. Prior to moving a piece, you can click the switch players button to swap the names. Once the game starts this is no longer an option until someone has won.
Main GamePlay:
Sting Ray can "take/replace" small fish.
Shark can "take/replace" Sting Ray.
Played like tic-tac-toe with players alternating dragging a piece onto a square of the gameboard. But unlike traditional tic-tac-toe, bigger fish can take the place of smaller fish.
The game ends when someone get's 3 of their fish in a row. Either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
After someone wins you can use the restart game button to play again. Notice that Player 2 is now Player 1 and vice versa. This will take you back to the game board. If you want to enter new names the game has to be reloaded.