UPDATE : A change to the way this game is loaded means it now spawns spikes significantly faster than intended. This is a bug, and will be fixed eventually. For now the game is not very playable.
Still very much a WIP. Expect drastic changes each update.
2.0 -> Game completely overhauled. No longer uses different layout/event sheet for different difficulties. State based now. No big user noticeable updates, but will make updating the game in the future significantly easier.
2.1.2 -> Added placeholder music and music button. Fixed a bug where quitting through the pause menu would not reset time survived, leading to infinite scores. Fixed hitboxes on rocks (they were too big)
2.1.4 -> Almost two years since the last update, finally fixed the mute/unmute button being broke if you enter a game.
2.2 -> Added a new life system! Random helmets fall, collect them to protect your miner! Fixed a glitch where exiting the game, while at score, while paused, made it impossible to click anything.
2.2.1 -> Added Leaderboards. WIP
2.2.2 -> Removed Leaderboards. RIP