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Crossbows vs Zombies Three

1,320 players, 1,751 plays 0 playing now, 4 most ever online
2 favoris
Dan0Randan Published on 21 Apr, 2020

Eng: Friends are again fighting a horde of zombies, this time their brains are in danger. The father of the Absolute sent his best soldiers immune to freezing.

China: 朋友们再次与一群僵尸作斗争,这一次他们的大脑处于危险之中。绝对之父派出了最好的士兵免疫冰冻。

J: 友人たちは再びゾンビの大群と戦っていますが、今度は彼らの脳が危険にさらされています。絶対者の父は、凍結の影響を受けない精鋭の兵士を送り込んだ。


Eng: The buttons on top are reset to the color state: Warrior, Thief, Knight, King, Leveling and Death.

China: 顶部的按钮重置为颜色状态:战士,小偷,骑士,国王,练级和死亡。

J: 上部のボタンは色の状態にリセットされます: 戦士、盗賊、騎士、王、レベリング、死。

Version History

ID Date Size Engine Plays
7 4 May, 2022 at 11:26 3.95 MB Construct 3 898 Playing
6 8 Mar, 2022 at 03:46 3.96 MB Construct 3 103
5 30 Oct, 2020 at 16:44 3.69 MB Construct 3 456
4 20 Oct, 2020 at 17:29 3.68 MB Construct 3 27
3 21 Apr, 2020 at 21:27 3.24 MB Construct 3 229
2 21 Apr, 2020 at 17:10 3.24 MB Construct 3 28
1 21 Apr, 2020 at 16:54 3.24 MB Construct 3 10

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