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Boring Game

1,599 players, 2,207 plays 0 playing now, 46 most ever online
1 favoris
TonyLeung Published on 4 Sep, 2022

A boring game try to test how boring you are, enjoy and get your best time! Just use one finger can control your life.

Version History

ID Date Size Engine Plays
3 4 Sep, 2022 at 11:26 5.49 MB Construct 3 2,177 Playing
2 4 Sep, 2022 at 11:19 5.49 MB Construct 3 24
1 4 Sep, 2022 at 10:56 5.64 MB Construct 3 6

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  • Xie xie

  • I don't even know how this works but I love it!

  • 很不错的美术风格~ 加油加油!要是场景物体也可以加上各种动画反馈就更棒了~ 例如:

    1. 可以在男主手机显示点击屏幕的次数,统计你废了多少次

    2. 点击虫子,可以把蚊子消灭掉(《仙剑客栈》)

    3. 点击猫尾巴,就摇晃1下(现在是自动摇晃)

    4. 点击壁虎,壁虎会逃走,然后过段时间再回来

    5. 点击灯,也可以切换开关

    6. 再加一个排行榜,比一比谁更无聊

    • 第6點是最初想做的,但就是不懂web storage... 1-5 的意見也非常好!我再要學習一下construct 3...多謝你!

  • For a monochrome style, the graphics are pretty well done, and there's practically no interactivity, which makes it boring, but one minor annoyance is the buttons. Yeah, the buttons. Whenever you hold over a button it causes the same sound effect to play repeatedly.

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