The game is called Apocalypse hunter. It is setted in a dystopian wasteland where the player is an obscure figure who has vowed to protect the few remaining towns of the world and destroy the demon that caused the whole problem. The player is armed with a sword that can kill the zombies. In level 1, the town has only one entrance and it is protected by two turrets that shoot bullets that kill the zombies a few seconds after the bullet hits them, at 2000 points it goes to level 2. In level 2, there are two entrances and one turret, there is also a zombie lord that has two lives, targets the player, has fireballs that can kill the player and gives 250 points if killed, at 3000 points it goes to level 3. If the zombies get in the town or the player dies, the level resets and so do the points from that level. In level 3, there is the boss demon that has 25 health, follows the player around and spawns minions that can kill the player if touched every two seconds, when the boss is defeated it goes to the end screen which has a message, the credits of the game and a play again button that takes you back to level 1 if clicked. The menu screen has a title, the controls and a start button that takes you to level 1 if clicked.