zenox98's Forum Posts

  • Cakee

    Please stop multiposting the same question in different sections.

    If you don't get an answer, it's acceptable to bump your own thread usually after 24 hours.

  • It varies considerably over time.

    C2 is so easy - IMO - that most users just 'get on with it', with no need to use the forums. If/when they do, there is generally enough users who are willing to help, which is what counts, I think.

  • As the manual says, and Ashley has often stated, this isn't supported.

  • Enough people.

    As is often stated, due to an NDA with SCIRRA, no WII U discussions should take place here. They should happen on their own forums.

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  • StevenMonson

    This section is just for introductions - none of the helpful users generally read this section.

    Please post any questions you may have in the Construct 2 'How Do I' section.

  • Oh, and how can I connect my construct 2 steam license to my scirra profile?

    Email and hopefully Scirra can organize that for you.

  • frayt

    You must follow the Bug Reporting Requirements, as Ashley is constantly stating, or this bug report will not be investigated.

    The requirements state that a minimal .capx is required with steps in order to recreate. Your whole project is actively discouraged from being submitted.

    As it involves exporting, a small recreation should be possible.

    You should also state what version of NW.js you are using.

  • Event sheets do reference other 'Included' Event sheets, but I haven't really found this an issue.

    Imagine you just used one single Event sheet instead. When run, C2 would read each Event (condition -> Action) sequentially. Using multiple Event sheets is just the same thing in my head. When I include an Event sheet, I just visualize that whole block of code pasted into the main Even sheet. Because all the individual Event sheets have specific tasks, there's no overlap, but there is cross-referencing.

    I do come from a programming background, so maybe that helps, as I can usually see in my head how I want something to happen, then I try to code it.

    It's difficult to know what to say to you - this method works for me and many others, but it's possible that it's not for everyone.

    When I first started this Manic Miner remake, I did do it all on one Event sheet, but quickly realized I was getting lost in the code. I took the decision to split the code and use Includes, which helped me greatly.

    Last thought - when it boils down to it, it's best just to do whatever you are comfortable with. Maybe try a few prototyping exercises that do/do not use Includes and see what you prefer.

  • Hi -

    I have an issue where when I open a layout in the editor, it opens and renders fine. As soon as I click anywhere in the layout, the entire window turns completely black. Once it turns black, nothing renders at all, nor can I interact with anything. Running the game works fine... but obviously I can't make any meaningful changes. This is on r216.

    Before I whack the project down and try to winnow it to a postable capx, has anyone seen this before?

    It's showing as 16.6mb memory usage, so I don't think that's it...?



    Is this happening with every project?

    If you opened one of the built-in examples, does it also happen?

    If yes, then most likely is GPU drivers.

    If it is only affecting one of your own projects, then we would need more info, and more than likely a .capx to test.

  • ..how do you order your event sheets so that everything runs smoothly?

    Here is a screenshot of the main Event sheet from a Manic Miner recreation I did:

    Since I'm the one writing the code, there is no difference to the way I think about the way I want it to run. The difference is I've just split the different parts into there own Event sheets, which enables me to have more flexability and freedom to try new things.

    Can I just ask if all you guys reporting the ghost processes are using the Steam version?

  • what the title said, Im making a game for ng's pixel day and I only have a free license, can I still upload the game if I dont make money?


    As long as no revenue - which includes ads in your game, which isn't allowed in the free version - is forthcoming then you can upload games made with the free version.

  • i seriously need help with this issue !!!

    You know better than to bump after only an hour. Especially as it;s the exact same question you asked in various ways last October.

    Please have a little patience.

  • Hmm. So the advice about funneling all event sheets into one main event sheet was bad advice? What should I do? I have half a dozen event sheets now, and will have more.

    I wouldn't cosider this a bad practice - it's something I always do.

    I hace separate Event sheets for such things a Globals, Animations, Collisions, Player movement, etc. This allows me to include whatever Event sheet I need and to also implement variations that can be quickly tested without have to rewrite full Event sheets.

  • Hi everyone,

    I am pretty new to creating beat em ups so i decided to purchase Danuyos platformer/beat em up template, I copied the template(because I am trying to learn it) but I am facing a few issues such as enemy characters automatically moving to the right while in the idle animation and once they move past you they will stay on the left side of the screen until you approach them.

    Has anyone come across this problem?

    Please don't multipost the same question, especially when it involves bumping a thread nearly 4 years old.

    Regarding your question - it's almost ipossible to offer any realistic help without you posting better information and preferably a .capx.

    You can bypass the posting restrictions by just adding extra characters in the URL, for instance:
