Xavier's Forum Posts

  • You have 2 actions that shoot and arrow, remove one.

  • Easiest way is to post the .capx so pleople can look at it.

  • Maybe it shoots one arrow on touch and another one on release? Try doing it again but without releasing the button or touch.

  • Thanks gamma. Motivation is still withing good levels, I'm just trying to figure this out now before starting doing levels on the game so I don't have to go back and redo things.

  • I'm going to bump this to ask some questions.

    Is this still the best method for multiple devices? Are there any drawbacks?

    My main concern is about the resolution, I've read most of the tutorials and threads in the forums about resolution but it's still not enough.

    Since nowadays most tablets/phones seem to use HD resolutions like 1280x800 or more, if I design the game on a 960x640 layout won't it look blurred/bad on a high definition screen? Wouldn't it be better to use a high definition layout like 1920x1080 to make sure your sprites and art look nice on every device?


  • http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/15.0/releasenotes/

    I don't really know how important it is but I saw some HTML5 changes like support for Opus audio codec and improvements in WebGL performance and thought someone might like to discuss or add more light to it.

    Relevant changes:

    WebGL enhancements, including compressed textures for better performance


    Native support for the Opus audio codec added

    The <audio> and <video> elements now support the played attribute

    The <source> element now supports the media attribute

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Take a look at this thread and see if it's the same problem:


  • You use subevents basically, like this:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1910765/example.jpg" border="0" />

    Is that clearer?

  • Hey thanks, I didn't know you could delete a single "cell". Also thank you for simplifying the rest, I enjoy learning these things. I'll try it out on my project.

  • What I like to do is create an instance variable called ID. And then assign each instance a different value: 1,2,3...

    That way when you do the events you can do:

    + On button clicked

    If button instance variable ID = 1 - play sound1

    If button instance variable ID = 2 - play sound2


  • Capx: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1910765/arrayproblem.capx

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1910765/array.png" border="0">

    Hello. I'm having a little trouble doing what I want. As you can see in the capx, everytime you left click, a number between 1 and 9 is chosen (these numbers are inside the array), and once a number is chosen, I replace that number in the array with a 0.

    What I would like to do is that if after clicking, the chosen number is a 0, tell the event to keep trying until the number is not a 0. That way when you could get all the numbers from 1 to 9 in a random order without getting a 0, until there aren't any more numbers left. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • Thanks, it does work actually.

  • Hello. I know there are some tutorials on how to get random numbers without duplicates on the forum, but these usually use arrays and look a bit complicated, I was just wondering if there may be a more simple way of doing what I need, otherwise I guess arrays will have to do.

    So what I'm trying to do is to randomize 3 numbers like so:




    But I also want to exclude a number of my choosing from the randomizing, and of course I need the 3 generated numbers to be all different.

    Searching the forums I found and expression that R0J0hound posted some months ago on another post:

    choose(floor(random(5)), floor(random(0,20)))

    This expression is great because in this example I can randomize the numbers between 0 and 20 without picking the number 5 (unless I'm mistaken). The problem is that the 3 numbers may be duplicates.

    Any ideas? And thank you. Let me know if the explanation is not clear enought.

    Oh and to generate the 3 numbers I use a "For each" condition, just in case you were wondering.

  • How much are you paying per game?