WRS's Forum Posts

  • Hello. Broke his head already. How to make the NPC run away from you or another NPC when he sees you?

    How to make prosecution no problem, but how to make it back?

  • thats currently only available to my patrons, it is with their support that i was able to work on the project. WRS https://www.patreon.com/SalmanShh

    I became as you call it the patron) Sorry for my English)

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  • Gillis guessing you are talking about this gif?


    you can check out how I typically juice my games by checking out any of the public C3 patreon projects https://github.com/SalmanShhh/Public-Construct-PatreonRewards

    Good afternoon, I really liked the mechanic of your game. I only begin to study the construct and did not quite figure it out, I understand that there is some kind of pattern resource, (although I don’t understand what it is) but there you, as a developer, can provide the source code of your toy on C3 so that I can study it?

  • worked on a weapons system, was able to significantly shrink the number of events needed using the new "objectTypeName" expression that was introduced in the latest update.

    list of weapon configuration settings for changing the behaviour of a gun.

    made just awesome!

  • I can only attempt to decipher what you need. But I think you might want to set a different parallax for the Y axis than for the X axis.

    Yes, thank you, that I am stupid ...) Y= 0 necessary)

  • Who faced the first level parallax with an indirect platformer?

    That is, our character turns out under paralaks, which creates a hulk. And if all the action takes place on one straight horizontal, then there are no problems at all. Just set the interest on the layer.

    The problems stink, then if the level goes high, the background does not follow the character.


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    > Here are the first sketches of my platformer, do you think there are chances for success?

    WRS First off.. you'd probably need to and be able to translate to English sometime.

    The graphics of the environment look promising. Did you create it all yourself?

    I don't like how the player moves sideways. Should be way more fluently and more body parts moving. But maybe you're working on that. Also I didn't recognize it as a Rabbit in armor at first.

    You will definitely need an angle for this platformer. Currently it looks like one of those 'dime a dozen' platformers with nothing special about it. You will need to make it unique if you want it to stand out.

    Also define 'success'. It looks like you intend to release it on mobile. But as an app on the store, sell the game, or..?

    Hope I wasn't too harsh.

    Yes, these are only the first sketches, (in fact, the third ones), of course, the game has its own chip that will make it unique, the character and level are also not drawn to the end, there is still a lot of work ahead. Yes, the game will be available on iOS. It will certainly be paid.

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    > Here are the first sketches of my platformer, do you think there are chances for success?

    WRS First off.. you'd probably need to and be able to translate to English sometime.

    The graphics of the environment look promising. Did you create it all yourself?

    I don't like how the player moves sideways. Should be way more fluently and more body parts moving. But maybe you're working on that. Also I didn't recognize it as a Rabbit in armor at first.

    You will definitely need an angle for this platformer. Currently it looks like one of those 'dime a dozen' platformers with nothing special about it. You will need to make it unique if you want it to stand out.

    Also define 'success'. It looks like you intend to release it on mobile. But as an app on the store, sell the game, or..?

    Hope I wasn't too harsh.

    Yes, these are only the first sketches, (in fact, the third ones), of course, the game has its own chip that will make it unique, the character and level are also not drawn to the end, there is still a lot of work ahead. Yes, the game will be available on iOS. It will certainly be paid.

    Thank you very much for the comments, any comments are very helpful)

  • Nice looking game :)

    Yes I think you may be able to go about this differently. Put the text objects in a container with the object, so they are both created together. You can also pin the text object to the moving object. Then all you need to do is set the text object visible/not visible based on line of sight and no 'creating' needs to happen.

    Thank you very much for the feedback) And for the advice, a good idea, I will try to implement it now) I hope that I will finish it)

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    Here are the first sketches of my platformer, do you think there are chances for success?

  • Something I've been working on for a few weeks. It's the start of a pretty big project. But I'm bumping into some walls I can't work around at the moment sadly.

    These are the best shadows I've seen. How did you manage to make this form of the player's shadow that she completely repeats it?

  • Your functions look a little redundant as the only difference is the creation of a different text object. You can just use one function like in my example and send another parameter through it with the text to set in a single text object. Your functions are also sub events of a global variable condition, not sure what this is for but checking a global variable at the time of line of sight so 2 things must be true can be risky.

    Yes, I corrected the condition with a global variable, but the problem remains with the fact that the copy that was created by the very first project to itself, even if the player encounters another copy.


    Maybe the problem is that the copies of the object are not created immediately as in your example, but appear arbitrarily at any time?

    And in your case, the text is created by a variable, and I have a separate text sprite as I load my font and print effect there.

    Two video problems. It shows that when the player touches 1 object, then 2 other copies create text.


  • Here's my example of the objects acting independently with LOS, check it out see if it helps. dropbox.com/sh/be0cumtbjy9bx9h/AAB2HSgzGL9ciuxfYj3PWpNxa

    Yes! Thank you so much! You saved me! I spent 2 days on this simple code)))) This is exactly what is needed)


    But I have some kind of mistake when I built it at my place. It works always only in the first copy.

  • if you have a stationary npc, that needs to be in screen u can also make a boolean and say

    player on collision with object1

    if object1 boolean is false

    do action

    set boolean to true.

    that would make the object1 stop looping the creation.

    the boolean can be either a instance boolean, or a number that u set to 0 or 1 or a text variable

    I have 5 copies of the object on the screen at once, they interact with the player using the "field of view" behavior and as soon as any nearest copy notices the player, that is, the player enters the interaction zone, all 5 copies immediately begin performing the action.

  • >

    in that case you need to destroy object when collision is happening, or disable collisions once the player collides with it.

    please see my above reply i edited and added a few example pseudo-codes.

    Thank you, now I will try your example)