winstreak's Forum Posts

  • gluii

    If you are looking for something simple, my favorite way is to just use an instance variable. In this case I have a textbox which has a variable. Depending on what that variable is I change the text or move it off screen.

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  • Looks like your code doesn't know which gun to pin and flip from your condition, so it does both.

    I wasn't able to get a version of your code to work, but I'm guessing you want something like this.

  • You can pin a Sprite Object that has a clone shaped collision polygon. On Sprite Overlap they are in sight.

    Uncheck the initially visible box on the sprite to hide the Sprite.

  • I don't have a dropbox account so I threw it up on my Itch.

    I just added my code to Lennaert's so you can view them both at the same time.

    (Speed up animation speed or slow down the speed to change how fast they go. They will cap out I think at 60 Speed. So each animation frame you have will cut into how many attacks you can do a second. 10 animation frames at 60 would be 6 attacks a second max)

    Either form of design can be modified to do what you need, it comes down to what you feel more comfortable working with.

  • I usually just create my weapons with multiple frames - as an animation and play it.

    Keyboard A is pressed and Player is not attacking - Set animation name to Attack from beg.

    Then trigger once for damage after a specific frame on collision - Don't want damage on the upswing and don't want damage every tick on the down swing.

  • Hard to tell without seeing the code for what you are talking about.

    You wait for a player action by putting it in the condition (left) side of an event.

    Card game I would imagine you want to add mouse or click objects, then use the condition On object clicked or On Tap Object.

  • This has to do with how fast your character is moving per tick, essentially by they time you collide with a solid you are already too far in to get back out again.

    You can try looking into bullet with stepping, this will help a decent amount.

    You can slow down how quickly the bullet is going.

    Or you can use MoveTo behavior so you can set a position instead of just an angle. Then you can track where the objects you are going to crash into are while your character is moving and set that to the final destination.

  • It's hard to know exactly what you are doing with you code being labeled all incognito style, but....

    Replace Trigger once with your own form of stopping it from repeating. I did it here with a 3s CD before You can switch b, but you can switch other instances of either sprite in your family while it's waiting

  • Create a variable to that will have the value of your most recent card. ie +2 would set that variable to 2

    Create a repeat variable amount of times condition with a draw card action

    This Idea:

  • If I understand correctly: You are trying to jump off the stairs and kind of regrab them at the same time?

    Give the player a CD timer for one of the states.

    Essentially just a boolean that says canStairs = true. Add canStairs = true to the Condition to start climbing stair. When you exit stairs - by jumping or however set it to false.

    Create a condition where if canStairs = false - wait 0.3s (or whatever time works) then set it true again.

  • Simply change it so you dont click anything to scroll?

    Or add scroll arrows that cover the buttons and add a arrowSprite (Not) Overlapping buttons to your button click event.

    De-activate your buttons while scrolling is active.

    As the developer you have to come up with how you want something to work.

  • Kind of vague, trying to figure out what is happening:

    You click down and it scrolls your game -including your buttons- if your mouse ends up over a scrolling button you click it automatically/accidently?

  • Using Line of Sight to allow the engine to know when your character should be shot at.

    This video will walk you through the concept:

    You can also have more than one Line of Sight behavior on an enemy - a large one for vision to set aggro - then a smaller one for attack range.

  • No problem friend...

    Those errors are always annoying when you bump into them the first time!

  • Double click your layout screen to add a new object and add Audio - It can only be added once, so skip this if you already have it added.

    Under your project tool bar (Usually right hand side of screen) scroll down to Sounds folder - Right Click - Import Sounds - Then load up whatever Sound you want to use from your computer

    Under the Event sheet create a Condition - I suggest something basic to test like on Mouse Right Click - Then later you can change the condition to what it is meant for

    Add action: Audio - Play - Select your sound

    Start the game and give it a test